Suggestions on best practice to optimize lag when players drop LOTS of money?

  1. I want to get rid of frame drops when players drop lots of money in-game

  2. Frames start dipping when there is a lot of money on the ground. I know that is expected naturally but is there some way to clean/optimize so that the amount of money on ground doesn’t cause fps drops? I notice other games such as Da Hood for example, I’ve seen videos of ppl dropping millions and the game appears to still run smooth.

  3. I have tried turning off collisions and anchoring it after a few seconds which seemed to help at first, but frames still drop slightly. I had it being cloned from server storage to > player. I then decided to move it to replicated storage for what reason idk i thought it would help lol.

When players want to drop money they enter an amount, the server does sanity checks and then clones the model from replicated storage and parent it to a folder in workplace so it can be seen by all players.

I’m not asking for code just guidance on how I can optimize this system because I know players will want to mess around and drop money if they have it. Can’t have frame drops :frowning:

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Are you u using normal parts or Mesh parts?
Cuz alot of normal parts in the same place create alot of lag and i dont have that issue with meshparts

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extreme counts of parts in the same place can cause lag so your one of your best takes is when a money is close to one, the other one instead disappears but the other’s value stack proportionally to the one that disappeared

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It’s a Mesh i made in another program, color mapped and imported into Roblox.

I like that idea. I understand the logic behind that and that makes sense… But I Guess it depends on how you look at it. So, if player is standing in one spot dropping money it’ll just collect the AMOUNT of money all into one model instead of many models with their own amount. But I see how I can play around with it to be smarter. Thanks for that idea I’m going to try implementing it and update here with how it went.

Are you Parenting the money to workspace and then adding meshes and changing properties?
Are you doing:"Mesh",workspace)

If so parenting to workspace and then applying properties will lag your game

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No, the mesh is already pre-made. I’m just cloning it from storage then parenting it to the workspace. The position it spawns at is slightly above the player near their hand.

EDIT: Thank you all for your responses. I haven’t gotten to it yet to try the previous idea. I’m a bit busy at the moment with another aspect. But I appreciate your responses. Thanks