Suggestions on Restaurant (Outside view)

Hello! I’ve been doing some buildings to start gaining some experience, and I’m looking forward to improve! I did a restaurant (only the outside!) for my map. It’s not supposed to be very realistic (I dont think I have those skills to do that yet)… It’s supposed to be night time so I used yellow lights… Anyways, I’ll leave the link to the place here in case someone want to do a deep look: Ideas Test Place - Restaurant - Roblox


If you have some suggestions please leave a comment! :slight_smile:
Thank you for your time!


It’s very blocky, try using unique shapes or designs like arches or curves. Also it’s too yellow, the windows and walls all have a odd yellow glow.


Hi, I understand, should I use a less yellow color? I will try to make it less blocky, thank you !

Pretty cool for a beginning!

As previously suggested, you should experiment with the studio’s shapes and try to combine them into new ones (if you got the time try learning blender, it’s a REALLY helpful tool for detail)

By the way, you’ll be surprised by how well the pastel versions of colours work with each other, makes things look a little more realistic since you usually won’t see a bold coloured building in the middle of a city. In short yes, you should use a less yellow colour but be careful not to make it too white.

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Thank you so much for your words!
Yes, maybe I should try using Blender in the near future, I saw there are some guides for beginners!
Can you also tell me where should I apply different shapes, because im kinda lost here… I’m thinking maybe change the walls position, add a corner or two to make the restaurant less rectangle and blocky…
Yes I will change the colours coming out of the windows, I agree it’s too much yellow, maybe light yellow would fit?
About the colours, is the actual colours bad in your opinion? I will try using that colours and compare it!
Thank you for your time and for the feedback! ^^

Its pretty sick I love the build quality on this you def took your time and worked hard on it

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It looks good! Although, for me, there are too many windows on the side. I would try to lower the number of windows. But still, this is good!

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Thank you so much for your words :smiley:, is there anything I can improve?

I agree with you, I will try something new to make use less windows, maybe an expansion ^^

The restaurant looks cool, it got a simple shape, nothing too complicated.

However, as the others already told you, there’s way too many windows ( imagine like, you’re showing out the kitchen… There’s so much windows for restricted rooms, if you have to think this way ). There’s also some weird vibe giving off with the windows light; the color is maybe too saturated, try to go with softer shades of yellow.

Depending how the map will be built, details doesn’t matter much. Also great idea of adding music background around it. :wink:

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Thank you for your post! You’re right, there’s some places that won’t have that type of windows or windows at all (Actually if you notice at the back of restaraunt there’s some empty space because I was thinking about the stairs to go up and down but I didnt consider the kitchen, you’re right, thanks for that!) Yes, I will edit the light coming out, it’s too much yellow, I’ll put some soft/light yellow

Hahaha yes!! I think you were the only one that saw that music detail!! I thought: If people will only see the outside, the least I can do to make the restaurant feel like it’s something going on inside (except the light), is adding some music too!! Thanks so much for taking your time, I really appreciate it! ^^

While, it’s a start to something however I’ll try decreasing the width size as it’s quite large looking for one entire restaurant. If you visit normal areas around the world you will see other stores small restaurants connected to the side of the building? You may want to define a more proper layout for the building it will be more appealing and look like a rather simple build.

The building should produce a more comfortable atmosphere going off of what you created so far you should have some entrance plants probably an awning attached over the doorway. Instead of a large building that isn’t needed “separate it with any stores - clothing area - ect”.

So it doesn’t ruin the theme you are going for, here is a reference image to give you an idea on what I mean as it may help if you lack other elements that are missing from your current build. Place other normal buildings on the side to decrease the maximize size of the restaurant:



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Thank you for your post! I’ll see what I can do, and I never thought of putting that, that’s a greet idea, thank you for taking your time, I really appreciate it!

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Perhaps you’d want to make a more complex window frame, the wall pillars, and yes trimming off the edges at the corners can actually make a big difference you could try that and using light yellow for the windows though you can keep experimenting to find the perfect match as neon tends to alter the way colours originally look in palettes.

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