Realistically, it should work fine. It plays a walking animation when the AI is moving, and stops it when it’s not.
However, as seen in the clip, it’ll start spazzing out when I get close to it (the AI stops when it’s near me.) I don’t really know what I can do to improve this. Theoretically speaking, this isn’t a physical bug. It plays the animation when the AI moves, and then proceeds to stop it.
That makes this all the more difficult to fix, because it really isn’t desirable to visually look at.
The aggressive bobbing is not an issue. I made it so the AI raises slightly when the walk animation plays so its feet don’t go into the ground
cant really help you without a script but
you could try making the agent settings smaller, you could make the npc go to the waypoint but instead of going to the base waypoint, you make it go slightly further than the waypoint, heres an example: NPC:MoveTo(target +,1,1)) but instead of the vector, your gonna want the direction the character is facing, that way its always infront of the char
Maybe the animations themselves don’t have any problems at all and you should try to focus on the AI itself, I would suggest you make the AI not try to approach the player if they are close enough.
Try detecting if the player is close and if he is then try to rotate to him instead of walking to him.
Its what I did when I had a similar problem in unity and I was quite happy with my result you could add a rotate animation as well.