Suggestions on the Cafe I made for my group?

I need suggestions cause I think it feels a bit empty, and I’m not sure what I could add, so if there is any suggestions please tell me. I made this cafe for my Roblox cafe group called Dream Cafe.

Pictures of cafe-

EDIT: With all the suggestions that people gave me I have updated the game, if you want to see it here it is. (Also this isnt finished I am looking for more suggestions too!)


I would add activities, so people (if they are bored) still are doing something that makes the game fun!


What type of activities do you think I should add?

As @BlueXander said, activities are a great way to fill out space, while making the game more engaging!

This could be as simple as creating a playground or a pool etc.

The cafe looks great though!

You should be well impressed with yourself on that one.

Thank you! I will probably add a playground or something like that.

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Like an obby, or something else. Just think about it hard you will know what to add.

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Who adds a obby on a cafe game lol. But I would personally add grass, more trees, maybe a couple more buildings and different layers of landscape.

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Also, I would recommend making the map smaller if you can’t think of things to fit.

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Okay. what type of buildings do you think I should add?

Dunno, could add a lighthouse on the beach just to fill up space.

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Correct me if im wrong, people like to explore and with obby i don’t mean only a obby. Like ziplines that goes to mountains or some more activities does make the game alot more to play and less boring. But theres people that doesn’t understand that. People won’t play the game if it’s boring, they would if theres always something to do. Thanks for reading!


It’s not about filling space, so ur done with a terrain. Its about getting used to those little things that makes a game fun.


I would change the size of some trees you have, as each tree is the same height. Plus, you could add more decorations like other shops, cars, and powerline since I think the outside is kind of lacking.

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It fits very well, let’s say that I wouldn’t recommend put many trees and lights unless if the time is like time cycle or the time is 0:00:00 - 6:00:00 (night time) it’s more good. The problem only is it is very way less. I recommend put ice creams near the beach and more buildings near the building is more cool. Just small one, because they don’t really like to walk that long as sometimes it can also make the game lag if there is a lot of part and they have to still walk longly. Don’t put an infinite road or a road that just ends in none. I suggest you should add something amazing, like museums, etc. So while they are walking it could be amazing.

I suggest you add more plant matter(ex. bushes differentt trees)
since its a beach make the whole map in a circular.

Hepe this helps :+1:

Thanks for the ideas. I will probably add a small firework booth that cost robux, and ice-cream booth that is free.

With all the suggestions that people gave me I have updated the game, if you want to see it here it is. (Also this isnt finished I am looking for more suggestions too!)

Thanks for the suggestion, I recently added a zip-line and other things if you want to check it out!

for the love of god, please make this low poly or something. gives it a more modern feel, rather than using simple grass. I don’t know that’s just personal suggestion