Sun disappears when Lighting.ClockTime is bigger or equal to 18, or smaller or equal to 6

The sun disappears when Lighting.ClockTime is either bigger or equal to 18, or smaller or equal to 6. This only happens if there’s an Atmosphere and a Sky present.

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System Information
Intel(R) Pentium(R) @ 3.0 GHZ, 4 GB, GeForce GT 620

Reproduction Files
Sun Disappearing Reproduction.rbxl (53.8 KB)

Expected behavior
The sun smoothly fades out when it’s night, and smoothly fades in when it’s day.


same issue here, its really offputting when you have a day-night cycle


I was dealing with this about a month ago and I thought I somehow messed something up :sweat_smile:
Hopefully this gets fixed!


I thought I was crazy when I first started really taking note of this strange behaviour, and only now does it make sense that something like Atmosphere is causing it. I never recall the Sun image to ever just disappear, and the moon randomly generating light when it hit a specific time. It just looks really unpolished and totally ruins the immersion or realism any game tries to portray with it’s lighting. Especially with mechanics that really try to sell that realism, such as Day/Night cycles.


Bizarre bug, has anyone figured out a workaround to this without having to remove the atmosphere or sky? This has been broken for a while now and relying on Roblox to fix it any time soon isn’t fun.


The only way I found around it was by using fog instead of atmosphere… Which really isn’t a solution.


nope, there is no workaround. ive tried and havent found any solutions


I’m pretty much sure it has something to do with Engine related light parameters, specifically day light which works only between 6 and 18 clock time. It appears as if the emitted light from your sun object is instantly disabled at those times.

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