Sun rays go through distant objects

On a mac so it could be a bug with just macs

EDIT: Appears to happen on windows 10 too

Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 15.10.23.png

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can confirm on windows 10 also.

Sun rays can only be occluded up to 500 studs from the camera. I don’t know if this is planned to change or not, @zeuxcg would be a good person to ask.

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An easy workaround is to raycast from the camera to the sun locally and to turn sun rays off when there is a hit, but it is further away than 500 studs.

What if you want a sunrise over a mountain? :stuck_out_tongue:

Then it’s gg

Actually I thought of a simple way to fix this. I’ll try to get it done in time by next week’s release.


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