Sun Rays not working despite graphics level

Hi, in my Studio, sun rays don’t appear to be working. I’ve set my rendering levels to 21, and I’ve even tried TheNexusAvenger’s render plugin. Both don’t work.

My sun rays are set to 0.5 for intensity and 1 for spread.

How can I fix this?

Example screenshot below.


Did you enable it in properties? And did you set it’s parent as Lighting?

Could you screenshot your Explorer and Properties? Possibly an image of your render settings?

Last thing, @ClassicMasterNoob, could you possibly share a link to your game?

Yes, I have. Everything is set as it needs to be.

Screen Shot 2020-08-23 at 9.51.27 AM


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Reduce the spread, try .1 or .5


While in roblox studio editing your game click on, ‘‘FILE’’ scroll down to ‘‘SETTINGS…’’ and click on it go to the ‘‘RENDERING’’ section and set, Quality Level to 21 and Edit Quality Level to 21. And then you may have to restart the studio.


Looks alright to me… Maybe even excessive? Have you tried to change your graphics quality to max?

Things like Sun Rays wont’s show up with lower Graphics Quality levels. Try playing with higher quality levels.

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I replied with a thing that may help you.

I did set my quality levels to 21, as I mentioned in my first post.

If you want to, can you give me edit access? I understand that if you deny because you don’t trust me.

I believe your 2008 Mac may be too old, and for that reason Sun Rays never appear at all. I see it perfectly fine, I think it may be a computer-specific issue. Only solution I can think of is to use a newer computer. :confused:

Sun rays have appeared on other games I build on, though, using the same computer. For example:


Try using this plugin Sun Rays - Roblox
I never tried it but try to use it and see if its sun Ray’s work…
Make an extra save just in case its fake.

It may be because your Graphics mode is set to OpenGL, which doesn’t render the SunRays as far as I know. You can check which one you have available by going to File and Settings, and clicking the Rendering tab.

My graphics mode was set to “Automatic”, and I tried changing it to your setting (Direct3D11), and it still doesn’t work.

You need to restart Studio for the changes to take effect, if you haven’t already

I have restarted it. I restart my studio every time I change a setting. Still no sun rays.

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Try deleting the atmosphere property to see if it solves it. It can sometimes mess with the sunrays

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No atmosphere doesn’t mess with sunrays in my experience, to me they get along just fine my suggestion for @ClassicMasterNoob is to set both the render levels to 16 because 21 is way too high I tried going up to 24 once and it nearly “Killed” my computer I think that the problem is not with the atmosphere it’s just that your computer is so old it cannot process level 21 so it somehow default sets it to default and that may be the reason just try level 16 and set your graphics quality to 8 or above

Graphics Mode is not currently working for me either, if I change it to opengl, or vulkan, it is still Direct3d11. Might be some sort of bug implemented in a recent update but am not sure atm. I don’t know if roblox has any settings file that we can configure either, so all we can do is wait.