[Sunset City Revamp] Looking to partner with a Scripter [Scripter Found] Thank you all!

Hello everyone! I’m SHADOWTHEHEDGEHOGXX. I’ve been developing games on this platform for 9+ years. I can do just about everything besides programming.

I and my brother SONICTHEHEDGEHOGXX have been working on games together since the day we joined ROBLOX. Our goal as developers has always been to make fun and creative games that the ROBLOX community can enjoy. We’ve experienced what it’s like to have popular games and to be on Top Earning. We’ve built games that formed fan bases with massive followings.

We’re looking to partner up with an experienced scripter to take on our most ambitious project yet, Sunset City Revamp.

(NOTE) This is not a short-term project. If you’re looking to make a quick $ you clicked into the wrong thread. This project requires time and energy, but the end will result in a massive payoff.

Sunset City Revamp is an Open World Town and City game set in the future. The game contains life simulator elements that the player must manage, such as: getting a job, house, car, leveling up statistics and more. The world is vast and open. Players will find all sorts of unique things around the city. Social activities, quest, hidden shops (selling exclusive goods) and more. It’s a world full of content so the player is never without things to do.

The Revamp is broken down into 4 core concepts.

  • Player Management - You will be able to manage your needs and statistics. Such as Hunger, Energy, etc.

  • House System - You will be able to decorate your home. Houses will contain interactive items that serve as social purposes and items that benefit your statistic needs.

  • Car System - Cars are set in the future, so they must hover/fly. Cars play a huge role in navigating around the massive city.

  • Job System - You can choose from a series of different roles, cops, criminals, pizza delivery, cashier, and more. This gives you a way to earn currency to buy stuff within the game.

Sunset City Revamp contains a very elaborate interface. It’s something I focus on dearly because it’s one of the things that can make or break the game if it’s not comfortable for the player to use.

The smartphone contains pretty much everything that’s important for the player in Sunset City. It displays your core apps below and some of the side apps above (these are the playful apps). The interface is extremely fluent and brings ease to the player.

We do our best to make the project easy to work with, so all of the GUI’s are supplied by us.

We want Sunset City to be immersive and very interactive, so aside from the core features, there’s also a lot of side features we pay close attention to.

  • Sound - Dynamic sound will be throughout the city, to make it feel truly alive.

  • Quest - Small missions for you to earn some currency, or special unlocks on the side.

  • Character Customization - Shops will contain all sorts of decorative items that you can personalize your character with to stand out from others.

  • Weapons - Guns play a huge role in the cops and criminal jobs we will offer and more.

There’s a lot in store for this project, I can’t touch on everything this game will contain on this document, or else it would be TLDR, but I’m more than willing to discuss to you further details on Discord.

This has been an ongoing project for about a year now. We had a falling out with our scripter, due to inactivity, and performance issues with the game. So we’re starting fresh again. We have some older videos of the game if you wish to get more of an idea of what the game is about:

(NOTE a lot of this is early footage and will be different in the new version)

– Reveal Trailer: Sunset City (Revamp) - Reveal Trailer - YouTube

– House System: Sunset City Revamp - Co-Decorating Gameplay - YouTube

– Cashier Job: Sunset City Revamp - Cashier Job Gameplay - YouTube

Here is the list of Requirements we’re looking for:

  • Active and doesn’t have an extremely busy schedule.

  • Dedication to the project and pure love for developing games.

  • Age is preferred to be 18+

  • Experience in Lua Programming, well rounded to complete a series of complex tasks.

  • Experience in Weapons

  • Experience in Physics and Vehicles

  • Experience in AI


Question: What will I be paid working on this project?

Answer: Our plan is to make this project a partnership, so you earn what the game makes. We plan to split the shares fair between 3 developers. So you would earn 33% of the game earnings. So from our estimates, your expected monthly earnings would be around $2,333 to $4,666 or more a month (it all depends on how popular the game becomes. I know some of you may not like this idea, but a partnership is a fair way to go. I’ve tried paying people throughout the project and I end up losing thousands of dollars because the person doesn’t hold up his end up the deal. I am open to other payment methods if this doesn’t seem satisfying.

Question: How do you know if the game will be successful?

Answer: We’ve been working on this platform for 9+ years we know what makes a successful game and what doesn’t. And to be fair you don’t need much to make a popular game on this platform. You just need the right things that the community is interested in. We experienced being #1 on Popular and #5 on Top Earning. It takes having a clean game structure, and an organized team with great ideas to bring great success.

Question: What will I provide to the project?

Answer: I’m very cooperative when it comes to development. I provide pretty much everything besides coding. So your main job would be coding what we tell you. (and since it’s a cooperative experience) we also want to hear the ideas you bring to the table as well, to further improve on an idea or system. We will supply an extremely efficient build, UI, assets and more.

Question: Why should I work for you?

Answer: We have absolute, total confidence this game will be a massive success, (IF) it reaches completion. This game is one of a kind on ROBLOX and it’s something I know the community of ROBLOX will enjoy, we have tens of thousands of people anticipated for this game. This game has been hyped up for a year + and the hype is still ongoing. If you don’t believe me, you can look at youtube videos, and the 100’s of comments posted, people awaiting its launch. You’re signing up for guaranteed success, and pay once completed. I’m no fool that I would waste my time and your time on a project that won’t amount to anything. Time is precious, and it would be well spent here.


  • This is a partnership project we will work side by side as a team to complete this project.

  • Looking for an experienced programmer who has the time and energy and shows true dedication towards the project.

  • You will earn 33% of the game earnings (we estimate your earnings to be around $2333, $4666 or more a month. (May differ to higher amounts depending on how popular the game becomes).

  • You will be supplied all the assets you need from us. So your job will be solely scripting.

Do you have what it takes? Are you interested in signing up? DM @SHADOWTHEHEDGEHOGXX for more info so we can get started.

If you have any concerns or issues with this post please feel free to give your thoughts on this thread I would be happy to respond to any of your questions or concerns you may have.


I-I-wow. Talk about hype. Even though I’m not a scripter, have never heard of your project before, I am already hyped like I’ve never been before. I have to say that I am impressed by your courage, and confidence. I could have easily believed that I am talking to the world’s best sales person. Brother projects rock. If you ever need renders (highly doubt it, but I’ll stick it here nonetheless. I’d love to be part of the team (even if it’s free and just for support!) hope your game thrives!


I can vouch both brothers are excellent people to work with, they will push you to become better and always provide a result that is worth the time needed for their projects. They’re also very fair with their choices as you can tell from the post.


Really nice post, I hope you find someone.

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This looks like enough of a well thought out meme that I might be interested.

Although I don’t have the physical time to partner, I can give you a tip of advice:

Make sure your code uses a lot of simplistic abstraction. I would highly recommend the MVC workflow, as it is incredibly powerful and robust when tied in with LUA OOP.

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I would love to help with the more immersive aspects of things. I can’t make sound effects from scratch, but I’ve been working on an audio engine to make sounds echo, muffle, shift, and change realistically based on where in the world they are. I’m also excellent at Day/Night cycles, including weather, and other ambient aspects of the world for immersion. The last thing I love doing is immersive camera work and controls. When driving, walking, and interacting, I can make extremely smooth camera work.

I can’t offer a ton of time, but I think I can help make some powerful immersive systems that are dynamic and easy to expand, especially for details that are often overlooked.

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His username does check out


I would love to do this if I weren’t busy with college. Dx Can’t wait for the release.

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Scripter has been found thank you!

Thanks to all of those who participated in trying to script the game! It truly means a lot to me. I’m sad that I couldn’t work with all of you on this project, but this project is best suited for 3 people. All of you were very talented and have a bright future ahead of you.

Good luck and thank you again I really do appreciate it! :slight_smile:


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