Sunset island showcase

I’ve been practicing on my terrain-building skills lately and I’m proud to present this island I made. Using the atmosphere lighting and sun rays, I was able to make a sunset. It took me roughly around 4 hours to make. Feedback is much appreciated!

Feel free to play the game here!

Psst… I’m currently working on a snowy mountain showcase. I’ll be posting it here soon.


Thank you very much for the suggestions and feedback!
Here are the things you guys said I could add:

  • Made the water larger



  • Added more rocks

  • Made a cave

  • Added some bushes
  • Added both curved and straight palm trees
  • New thumbnails and game icon
  • Ambient sounds
  • Smaller islands

Play the game here!


Looks really good! For critiques though:

  • I can see the edge of the water. The edge is really clear, maybe making both the water into a circle, and making the water longer/larger.

I know that was a really short piece of advice, and I think I would be able to provide more i you’d give us an aerial/bird’s eye view, and a view from the shoreline. Right now I am only able to see it from the island itself :desert_island: :slight_smile:


This looks good. The lighting and terrain is good. But is the tree a free model? And also it looks bland. Try adding some rocks or maybe a cave.

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Hello! This is a wonderful showcase you’ve got going for yourself. I too myself have worked on a couple and have some suggestions that might just help you out a little; the island is a little bland, I would suggest adding some rocks, bushes and even adding a variety of tree types just for that extra texture.

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Thank you for the feedback and yes the tree is a free model.

Hey! For a starter you’re going the right direction. Let me give you some helpful pointers!

  • Use multiple materials.
  • Touch up your beach a tad bit.
  • Add some more models to have some extra detail. Maybe some shells here and there would look nice.

It’s a great start!

The palm trees are all way too straight though. A lot of islands will have curved palm trees and going in different directions and all that stuff. All these palm trees are perfectly straight.

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Perhaps adding more detail to the palm trees have them bend a bit, all palm trees don’t grow straight up like a normal tree.

Maybe placing small islands out in the water so it could look more interesting could possibly improve it, leaving one island in the water will be quite plain. However, I would try adding more objects along the island maybe a few vegetation around the edges of the island. At the start it looks decent, maybe adding some effects could add a bit of realism to the build I don’t know if you plan on placing a few other objects the island maybe a small pond?

Add variety to the palm trees so it doesn’t look repetitive rocks to make it better, try improving your island a bit more regarding it’s good it just needs some refining to the trees.

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Hello! I love that showcase, the environment that it transfer to me is so cool, the first images, make me remember far cry 3 lol,but really good , would be cool if add different small plants.

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Looks nice, it’s a bit bland and could use some form of a build on it though.

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Absolutely decent, love the small improvements you’ve made to make your showcase more unique there isn’t really anything I’d change apart from making the palm trees have a different texture as the wooden material you added doesn’t match at all.

(As that texture has screws on it that are on the trunk), consider removing that and try finding a texture that’ll the match with the entire scene like the cave and realistic rocks and plants I see you’re going to add those small objects such as islands, and etc. To add onto the individual islands.

At the start it looks good hope to see the final product.

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The foliage is slightly out of style

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I think this showcase looks great😄 I like how you made the sky blend in well with the surroundings giving it that nice-vibe kind of feel. I think to make it even more fantastic you could make the sun a warmer shade of orange and make the suns-rays cast onto the grass. With all that being said keep up the great work😄

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