Sunsetting Legacy Data Persistence Systems

What will happen to the documentation for all of these? Will it be removed completely like it had never existed or will it have a warning that it no longer works with a link to this post? Or will it remain the same as it currently is?

Also, with Player:SaveInstance(key, value) and Player:LoadInstance(key) methods does this mean we will be getting a built-in serialization method for saving instances with the new Data Store improvements?


Happy Scripting!. I, unfortunately, canā€™t build with datastores.


Not gonna lie: I didnā€™t know this was a thing.


I honestly forgot that these were still a thing.

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I heard it was useful for game copying, glad that itā€™s FINALLY copied!


Most exploiting tools already rewrite the function anyway, so I donā€™t see that problem going away anytime soon.

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Wow. May this service Rest In Piece. I remember using it in 2018 when I was still trying to learn how to code, but I didnā€™t know it was deprecated. :confused:

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epic update, it was very painful to use the dataStore service, and now, this api is insaneā€¦ no longet datastore service, but a data that can be scripted using a simple function. this is awesomeā€¦ GG!

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I think you misread the topicā€¦

Roblox is removing the Data Persistence system in favor of DataStores, not the other way around.


You misread the topic. The function is losing its functionality in favor for datastore service. Also you should be using DataStoreService anyways because it is more reliable, has more functionality (ordered data stores, global datastores, etc.), and is being updated regularly by ROBLOX. Also, soon there will be support for backups. And Iā€™m not sure about the backend stuff behind the two but if you wanted data to be saved for sure, use DataStoreService.

Pretty sure what youā€™re thinking about is DataModel:SavePlace. The stamper just inserted models and SavePlace published changes. However, SaveInstance() was used for games such as WTRB to save any instance/object and was limited by the instanceā€™s DataCost.
However, to save an instance now, you are required to use a script that converts an instance to a different format that can saved in DataStores such as a table.


could this mean faster loading? if were getting a datasave upgrade id assume so. would be interesting to see where this goes.

RIP to everything that people made in the stamper tool building places. (If Welcome to Roblox Buildingā€™s closure didnā€™t already put the final nail in the coffin)
The removal is understandable though, data persistence was very quickly replaced with datastores. Funny how almost nobody here knows what DP is lol.

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Iā€™m still waiting for that one guy to be like ā€œMy game solely runs on this service!ā€

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The first and last time I used Data Persistance was in 2014 when I was a begginer scripter! I canā€™t say I totally forgot about it because I remember its ability to save instances! Later I learned that you could nest tables and make your own instance savesā€¦
I wonder if everyone at Roblox just forgot that this once existed for years and noticed now lol

Try this:

function getSaveableColor3(color)
	return {r = color.r, g = color.g, b = color.b}

function loadColorFromDataStore(t)
	return, t.g, t.b)
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Check out Datastore2, I never had a single data loss since I started using it.

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Data loss is developer error, not something Roblox has to fix (it is perfectly possible to write loss-free datastore code), maybe have someone proficient proofread your datastore interaction code or use the #help-and-feedback:code-review category.

You donā€™t need a module as complicated as Datastore2 to do it.


This seems to be very sad. Will there be a replacement for this feature?

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There has been a replacement for half a decade. DataStores.