Sunsetting Legacy Data Persistence Systems

We have thought about migrating the API to DataStore under the hood. However, the different system design and data schema makes it super difficult to do. So we finally decided to just retire the system entirely.


has this been rolled out yet? because almost everygame i join cant load the assets. and i have a high ping. i tried to contact support but they were useless. i now assume this might have been rolled out and some games are using it now. if thats the case please revert it.

I doubt any games (other than old ones) still use Data Persistence. It may be an issue with something else as this is suppose to take effect on June 1st.

odd. either way it sucks. hopefully roblox will fix it.

Sometimes data loss happens when server crash or game shuts down…

Server crash maybe, but server crashes are very rare occurrences, and even then you can mitigate this by auto-saving. If your data frequently gets lost on game shutdown/crash, it is more likely than not a developer error where they aren’t auto-saving frequently enough or not saving properly on game leave.

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I fail to see how Data Persistence API is supposed to be more reliable than DataStoreService API in the rare case of server crash.

Actually I forgot about auto save, my game save only when players leave and I now can see where is the problem. Thanks for help.

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I understand that :SaveInstance() is an inefficient function (assuming here it saves the literal instance to the old DataStore as a file perhaps? idk) but would converting the properties in to a table that can be used to replicate an instance be a more efficient way of saving an instance? Sure, it wouldn’t work for a couple instance types (namely scripts/localscripts) but it would be efficient right? Assuming this isn’t the way it was initially done but do correct me if I’m wrong, I’d just love to see this feature as a whole. (do excuse me if this has been asked but I don’t have the time to read through all the replies right now)

I never Knew That this existed I think that :SaveInstance() is the only way To save an instance But you can actually save a Table with all the values

I have never knew there was some sort of save instance api! you cant do that in modern datastore bruh

I’m not sure if I like this? A friend of mine told me that it was working fine before and it’s unnecessary to remove it now, not to mention the OP never gave a reason for the removal which doesn’t help at all.

Old obstacle courses that allowed you to save your progress and, most devastating in my opinion, games like Welcome to ROBLOX Building will get their data wiped.

Of course, the game is private anyway but the point is when and if ROBLOX ever re-opens the game or uncopylocks it, all of our old creations will be gone. Sure, most games nowadays probably don’t use Data Persistence since they’d either be old inactive games or switched to Data Stores, but it would hurt to lose the progress and creations you made long ago, wouldn’t it? Especially since there’s no way to properly archive them unless you made a video (which back then would’ve probably been made with the engine built ROBLOX recorder that’s quite frankly, isn’t even worth using.)

Would anything good come out of removing this even if though it’s long been deprecated? Is it holding anyone back? Is it affecting anyone at all? It would be nice if the OP was more specific.


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