Sunsetting User-to-User Inbox Messaging

idk how they forgot to put in the work for moderation especially in cases such as these when people report inbox spam

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These updates are so bad I won’t be surprised if in about a decade they stop letting users make games because of scams :skull:

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I haven’t read it all so forgive me if I’m wrong, but it seriously feels like ROBLOX is removing/adding things for the sake of removing/adding things. What exactly is this supposed to be? “”“Integration with the metaverse”“”? Goodness! Was this idea brought up by a buncha out-of-touch stock dealers? Come on guys, think it through!

Perhaps this inbox messaging feature could’ve been expanded, more reasons to use this would be nice. And safety??? Gosh. Don’t even get me started on that. You guys allow groups and accounts to say/be freaky things, but you decide to go after inbox messaging? That’s like chasing a robber away by giving them another bank to rob.

Whatever. I could be wrong.


Sunsetting Experiences

Hi everyone,


It’s a way to justify their salaries. They have to do a certain amount of stuff each year so that the higher ups can review their work from each department and be like “yeah, they did good work”.


My question is as you know to many developers as you stated find value in the message system especially for those who don’t have access to platforms like Discord and operate soley on Roblox to get feedback and bugs and even network with other creators who have no other means of communication, why would you sunset this feature without having alternatives in replacement of that? It’s not really fair to many people including myself who get lots of feedback from there. Why can’t you make a separate column for Roblox only notifications and then a tab for user to user communication in the inbox? I don’t think this needs to be removed until you have scalable replacements in place so many younger creators are not left in the dark with less feedback about their experiences.

I would humbly ask that you postpone this until you can add new things in replacement for feedback, removing it before then is just a bit of a low blow to many creators who rely on that for feedback and many more things. We don’t use it to talk to our friends we use it for other things as the chat system for friends isn’t even fun to use which is why no one uses that.


I work at Amazon and I work in their learning division and I can pretty much say that’s how it is here, we launch programs that are supposed to improve but end up being worse and based on if it actually works out or not we get promotions or pay bumps. Idk how it is at Roblox but I imagine they have something similar going on.

Lol they’re not going to. If I’ve learned anything about this site in my time here its that once they get on an idea they’ll never go back. The updates with the worst backlash (forced dynamic heads, audio update, this) they for the most part just ignored everybody and kept going with their original plan. Really does suck but what can we do about it.,.

Some of these feel just like they must justify their departments existence. Like they just need enough “stuff” on their annual report so they don’t get fired. I wonder what the average roblox employees day is like. I’m aware of a cafe and gym, so probably close to pre Elon twitter.

I don’t understand the arguments coming from other people that “Roblox doesn’t listen to their playerbase” (news flash: it is a public company, they will do whatever makes them money and this isn’t going to bankrupt them) as the messages feature has remained a rather irrelevant feature of the website for the longest time with most people opting to use other platforms. If you think I’m wrong, try asking the average Roblox user how many times they have used the messaging feature this year prior to the sunsetting notice being posted up.

For people that have explained their valid use cases for them, I understand, and am not trying to argue against it. However, it is important to understand that decisions such as these are not made randomly and that multiple factors are weighed in to determine if a feature is worth maintaining and supporting from technical & non-technical perspectives - the messages feature has been known for being a venue for social engineering attacks to constantly take place, atop the scam messages, and other spam & irrelevant messages that most people don’t bother on checking. Roblox has already shown that they have intentions on releasing better forms of on-platform communication soon (RDC) so it just goes to show that not everything is gloom and doom.

Sunsetting a feature before a replacement exists is a dumb idea


Roblox has stated multiple times publicly that they put us first, so that’s their fault. It’s not unreasonable for the developers on their platform to have a voice and expect their feedback to be heard we are the ones who make them the money that their investors look for.

This isn’t about the average user this is about developers/creators or even sub communities like traders who use that to talk to people they aren’t friends with, give feedback, or attempt to network with. Not every creator uses other platforms like twitter or discord.


if we are sunsetting features based entirely on a lack of usage then we should go ahead and sunset rthro too.

alright all jokes aside I think roblox should be trying to improve on messages not outright removing it entirely. using roblox’s inbox is far more convenient to use if you want to recieve messages from anyone at any age on the platform. the chat box roblox wants us to use is as far as im aware is only for friends and not strangers which is important if you want to recieve valuable feedback on your game.

discord is always an option but users under 13 cannot simply join servers you list under your games, and in order to DM you they have to know your userid for discord which roblox may or may not have a problem with should any of us list that on our profiles.


bro who is using messages for feedback lol
what’s so hard about using a webhook and an in-game form, or better yet:

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Release community feature for groups first before sunsetting messaging :pray:


i don’t see this as a particularly good update :slightly_frowning_face:

however, if the roblox council releases whatever the communities feature is and it ends up being a better alternative than the current inbox, (more features, some way of <13 feedback) , i’ll have no complaints.


You could use the Google Form embedder for feedback.

IMO it’s better than the inbox, because it can be done in game (or outside of game), it can easily collect both quantitative and qualitative feedback, and Google Forms comes with helpful features for data analysis.

It’s also super fast and easy to set up (you basically just need to add one value to link it).

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There’s absolutely NO reason you need to sunset this feature MONTHS before the feature meant to replace it comes out. No one was complaining about the inbox being useless and it was useful for tons of people in the commission sphere. Communities might be a good replacement for them but that’s months out and key word, “might”. Can we please know how forums will be replacing this feature and how it can be more private between the creator and messenger, at this point you guys are begging for people to go off platform even though that’s where most of these issues arise.


ROBLOX: Erasing History :tm:
Anyways, at least I will not deal with being sent random scam messages anymore lol…