Super Badge Collectors! - Collectors' Guide

🙟 Super Badge Collectors! - Handbook 🙝

🙟 About the Community 🙝

Hello! Welcome to Super Badge Collectors, the leading community dedicated to player badges on Roblox. If you don’t know what a badge is, it’s an achievement that Roblox awards you for completing a certain task. They range from all possible levels of difficulty, from Freebie to Impossible, and make it our goal to collect them all.

The following will go over the basics of what you can expect from our time here at SBC. Please be sure to follow our rules and regulations, and make sure to go over the extra resources here. We’re excited for you to be a member of our community and hope that you can compile an expansive collection!

🙟 Main Rules 🙝

Generally, we are a pretty laid-back community, but we do ask that you abide by the following, regardless of rank.

  • Do not harass or provoke fellow collectors. We don’t tolerate drama on the wall, and participation in it will result in a warning and then a kick.

  • Promotions for your games are allowed as long as the game is related to badges. We love to see the creation of new badge games and will wholeheartedly support whatever you create, but we ask that you obey our advertising cooldown of one day.

  • No spamming or flooding the server or wall. Only meaningful conversations are allowed.

  • Please don’t ask for a rerank on the group wall. Instead, rejoin the group and you will be automatically recounted.
    To that end…

🙟 Ranks 🙝

Ranks on our group are very straightforward, but here are some descriptions in case you need help.

  • Beginner [0 - 5000 Badges]

You have less than 5000 badges. Maybe you don’t focus on collecting as much as others, or maybe you’re just starting to get interested in it. Whatever the case, that’s okay! We’re here to help you move up quickly through the ranks.

  • Apprentice [5000 - 10000 Badges]

If you pass this point, you’re already getting the hang of collecting! Keep going, there’s many more badges to collect.

  • Skilled [10000 - 15000 Badges]

Congrats! You’re getting very skilled now. Maybe you should start your own badge walk soon.

  • Impressive [15000 - 20000 Badges]

You probably know some advanced techniques by now. Don’t be afraid to show others what you know! All in all, your collection is very impressive.

  • Expert [20000 - 30000 Badges]

Excellent job, you’re becoming a master badge collector! You’re probably well-known to the community at this point, so thanks for being with us!

  • Master [30000 - 40000 Badges]

Insane! At this rate, you might pass the owner.

  • Legendary [40000 - 50000 Badges]

Badge collecting must be your life! You are truly legendary and are looked up to by virtually everyone in the community. Amazing!

  • Mythical [50000+ Badges]

Only a select few Roblox users have ever had this many badges. There is nothing else we can say to this besides that we’re all extremely proud of you!

  • Badge Lord [60000+ Badges]

You are one of the true originals. You have made a lasting impact on the community, congratulations.

  • Dominator [70000+ Badges]

Now, this is a feat. Dedication is key.

  • Hero [80000+ Badges]

You’re a badge hero! Everyone knows your name. If you’ve come this far, you can truly call yourself a badge collector.

  • Valued Member ~ Members with this role own a badge game with over 40 badges in it! This is a huge contribution to the community and we would like to congratulate you with this special role.

  • Honorary Member ~ Reserved for retired staff who dedicated their time to leading the group and making it better.

🙟 Staff Application 🙝

If you want to help SBC in a big way, you can apply to become a helper! Helpers have several responsibilities, including:

  • Posting a Question of the Day or Badge of the Day in the shout each day
  • Chatting with people and answering any questions they have
  • Hosting game nights, sword fights, etc.
  • Reporting any rule-breakers to the HR’s

To boost your chance of getting hired, we recommend joining our Discord server if you haven’t already. Your help with the above are needed just as much there as in the group. We have designated channels for BOTD’s, QOTD’s, and events, and we need more people to put content into those and keep them running. The link to the server is in our social links section on our group page.

We will only be looking for new helpers when we put out a shout saying so. However, when we do this, we will look at our applications to find candidates.

Apply here: SBC Application Centre! - Roblox

🙟 Collectors’ Resources 🙝

Super Badge Collectors has a badge hangout which contains over 500 obtainable badges and a museum dedicated to our history! In this museum, you can find teleporters to a ton of badge games, as well as statistics on badges and badge history. Here is a sample of some of the games you’ll want to check out if you’re a beginner:

Huge Badge Games

You can find our hangout, which has teleporters to over 100 more games, here:

🙟 Conclusion 🙝

That’s about it! Thank you once again for joining our group. We hope we can make a difference in expanding your collection, and always remember:
Keep on Collecting!


[Note: If you somehow found this post without visiting our group page and would like to join us, here is the link: The SBC Community - Roblox]