Super long loading glitch?

me and a dev team are making a simulator and recently after we enabled StreamingEnabled our loading into the game (not through studio) took really long, you would load in and only see the skybox for about 15-20 seconds and other players wouldn’t appear on the player list?

I do not script so please ‘dumb down’ anything that might help :smiley:
+we are not sure if the streaming enabled caused this to start.

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Try reducing StreamingMinRadius and seeing if that helps.

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So this didn’t start happening once you enabled Streaming Enabled? It used to happen beforehand?

This could as well be a problem with your own computer, maybe see if the same happens for others.


Have you published to the right game? I think that same thing happened to me and I managed to fix it because I published the game again.

If you do not know how to, it’s in the corner and says ‘file’. Then, select ‘Publish to Roblox As’ then click at the bottom corner ‘Update Existing Game’ and then choose your game from your group or your profile!

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Do you have any modules in your game? Maybe you forgot to put a comma and it’s causing the whole game to crash.

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Ahh, this hasn’t worked, thank you anyways!

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It was on and off before hand, we just turned streamingenabled off and the problem kept occuring.

Looking at performance stats, your recv is ~4.5mb/s! That’s quite a lot! Maybe try using an instance counter plugin such as Crazyman32’s part counter or this script in the command line:

count = 0
for i,v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
	local succ,err = pcall(function()
		return v.ClassName
	if not succ then
	count = count + 1

print("Total Indexable Instances: "..count)

There will be quite a few extra instances due to roblox having hidden things in the explorer such as the coreGui, but it will give you a rough estimate of the amount of instances. If you have over 250,000 (Please note I haven’t checked larger/front page games, the actual instance count roblox can easily handle could be higher) instances it is likely that you have too many instances. Do you have any scripts that have RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen in them? (Search all scripts with ctrl shift f)
Also scripts with a lot of code could create loading issues, try the Lines Of Code by crazyman32 to see how many lines of code there are.
Another thing that would be helpful to see is the developer console, which you can bring up with F9. Would it be possible to record a full loading time with Performance stats (what you have open right now) and the developer console open? That would be helpful, as we could see what is erroring and how much you’re actually receiving.


We checked all this out but just decided to use a custom loading screen (lazy I know) but it’s what worked best for us! Thank you all so much for your help!

Also we have around 30k instances and 2.8k parts?

That’s not that many, no clue why the game would take so long to load. Hmm. Glad you got something working though!

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