Super Skyward Towers - Attributions

Super Skyward Towers - Attributions

Super Skyward Towers makes use of various opensource libraries, tools, and assets from other developers. This attributions page serves to give credit where credit is due, while also ensuring compliance with the various licenses of these pieces of software (MPL, MIT, etc).

This document is not final, changes will be made as libraries & assets are added & removed from the game. Last updated on 12/08/23.

Dragon Engine

This game runs on “Dragon Engine”, a microserviced-based framework by @Noble_Draconian.

Link to repository :


This game makes use of the “MockDatastore” library, by @BuildThomas.

Link to repository :


This game makes use of various libraries from the “Nevermore” framework, by @Quenty.

The following libraries are used:

  • IKService, for the game’s “headlook” mechanics
  • CameraStackService

Link to repository :


This game makes use of a forked & modified version of Roblox’s built-in Ragdoll system, made by @ContextLost.

Link to repository :

Link to modified version :


This game makes use of “Cmdr”, a fully extensible and type safe command console, by @evaera.

Link to repository:

Alarm Clock

This game makes use of a “Alarm Clock” utility module, by @BoatBomber.

Link to repository:

Music : Evan King / ContextSens

This game makes use of various songs from Evan King’s “20XX” and “Everything is okay” albums, under a legal licensing agreement.

Link to album :