SuperLiteChat - Very easy chat module
Free to use clean model, no need to credit me.
Assign a red “VIP” label to a certain player:
*If you need to modify the label of a player, you would need to clear it before reassigning it. Exemple:
module:AssignLabel(player,"white Label",,1,1))
module:AssignLabel(player,"black Label",,0,0))
Set a player chat color to red:
To set it back to default, just make it back to white.
A full use of it would be:
local module = nil
if module == nil then
module = require(script.SuperLiteChat)
Which would give this:
Don’t forget that this module needs the ChatServiceRunner (added automatically by roblox inside the ServerScriptService), so it would be wiser to not require the module directly at the head of the script since it will yield and will miss the first player that joins. The if statement in it specifically addresses that issue so feel free to use the exact same way of requiring it.
POLL - Will you use this little module? If it gets many yes, I might maybe add much more functionalities to it.
- I will use it
- Probably won’t use it
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