Alright thank you, but i have last question why would the module cannot open datastore sometimes, cuz in my case it seems not be opening more often.
what does print(ds:Open())
print ??
if it says locked then it means that its open by something else or it failed to close last time
if it says error then Roblox servers might be having problems
NVM i didnot even enable API access sorry for bothering
What’s the difference? Is one more efficient than the other? I have never had to use session locking but I’m curious in case I’ll have to in the future.
Session locking prevents opening the same datastore key at the same time
So let’s say a player leaves one server to enter another server before the previous server managed to save there data the second server would try to load there data before the previous server saved there latest data this would cause the player to lose data
But if you have session locking the second server would not be able to open the players data until the previous server saved and closed the session preventing them from losing data
By using the memorystore we can ensure that the session lock times out for all servers at the exact same time but if you use os.time() to workout if a session has timed out you can not be 100% sure that all servers will timeout at the exact same time because os.time() uses the operating systems clock and the operating systems clock might not be perfectly in sync between servers this allows SDM to have a smaller timeout for session locks
You can make a custom function inside the datastore
local function Set(dataStore, key, value)
if dataStore.State ~= true then return false end
dataStore.Value[key] = value
print("DataStore value changed to", value)
return true
local dataStore ="Player", player.UserId)
dataStore.Set = Set
then you can use the function like this
local dataStore = DataStoreModule.find("Player", player.UserId)
if dataStore == nil then return end
dataStore:Set("Key", 69)
you can even use signals
local Signal = require(game.ServerStorage.DataStore.Signal)
local function Set(dataStore, key, value)
if dataStore.State ~= true then return false end
dataStore.Value[key] = value
dataStore.ValueChanged:Fire(key, value)
return true
local dataStore ="Player", player.UserId)
dataStore.ValueChanged =
dataStore.Set = Set
then you can connect to the signal like this
dataStore.ValueChanged:Connect(function(key, value)
print("Changed", key, value)
very cool, but if you ask me profileservice works just fine ._.
Does this module prevent item duplication exploit? Just like ProfileService.
What do you mean about that? Like duplicating values or player’s points?
there are many ways a item can get duplicated
are you talking about the one where a player quickly joins a different server before there datastore was saves?
if so then yes this has session locking just like ProfileService that will prevent the next server from loading the data before the previous server has saved it
also when trading items between players you might also want to use the Save
function to ensure that both players datastore save after the trade. Take a look at the developer products example to see how to use the Save
Never mind this feature is related to session locking
Great module. Highly suggest others to use it
-It’s simple
-It’s easy to use
-It’s secure [havent encountered any single error/datastore since I’ve been using it].
-It’s always great to see new ways/datastore modules and learn about them
great job as always
With the documentation and older versions:
rn working on a PR for this, will edit it if possible
How exactly does :Read() work for reading the value of the data store? Every time I use it, I will only give the current state of the datastore, like Open, Closed, or Success.
Read will load the current saved value in the datastore not the most recent cached data
If you want the most recent value use open not read
99% of users should not be using read
The way I see it is that this is just a better “version” of profileservice.
it probably is but is it worth learning a new datastore system is what i’m questioning
Is there a way to easily access specific data store values in a local script? Or do we have to get it through Server only?
The server needs to share it with things like
Remote events, attributes, numbervalues, etc…