Suphis Datastore wrapper not working as intended

I created a wrapper for Suphis Datastore and it was intended to be used from a bindable function where any service could use the data but whenever I try to call it, it trys to return the datastore but returns nil instead

This returns nil

local dataStore = game:GetService('ServerScriptService').Engine.Triggers.Function_OpenData:Invoke(player)

This attempts to send the datastore (I have checked right before the return printing it and yes it does print the datastore)

function OpenData(player)
	assert(type(player) == 'userdata', '[DataServer]: Argument must be a player')

	--// Open and return the players data
	local dataStore =, player.UserId)
	dataStore.StateChanged:Connect(StateChange) StateChange(dataStore.State, dataStore)

	return dataStore

Im not sure as to what is going on, any help is appreciated

This wont work because bindable functions don’t return the same table they return a clone


so this means when you do

return dataStore

its not returning the same datastore that’s inside the module but a clone of it

so to fix this problem instead of using a bindable function you can use a modulescript or save your custom function inside the datastore object it self

local module = {}

function module.OpenData(player)
	local dataStore =, player.UserId)
	dataStore.StateChanged:Connect(StateChange) StateChange(dataStore.State, dataStore)
	return datastore

return module
local ServerScriptService = game:GetService('ServerScriptService')
local datastore = require(ServerScriptService.ModuleScript).OpenData(player)

But SDM was designed in a way where you should not need to use a wrapper its ok to interact with SDM directly from all your scripts using a wrapper will technically downgrade your user experience with the SDM module and add unneeded complexity


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