Support for Microphone Input

A while ago I think I remember seeing a video where voice input was being used in Studio, where the person would speak and a string would be returned of what they said.

I was wondering if this is an actual feature, or perhaps it is still in development but something we can expect. I’ve tried to look around and search through some threads for answers but I’ve not found anything.

It is most likely that someone was either doing a prank or they were using text to speech with cortarna or other virtual assistant.
As far as I am aware roblox offers no support for microphones or speech in studio or roblox

I dont think this is a feature in Roblox Studio, its probably fake or edited.

it can be fake or it can be using google API to do that

No this is not a feature that studio or Roblox supports. It is also physically impossible for any workarounds without having the player download an external program.

Roblox will most likely never support microphone support in the near future.

You may have seen either a fake or an external/modded program as Studio does not have access to microphones and cannot have access to microphones by default.

Strange because every time I boot up studio my Bose A20 turns on and I can hear myself as if Im in the plane or if an app is using my voice.