Support for Windows XP and Vista ending soon

Woah, I forgot that Windows XP and Vista even existed!! :smile:
Anyways, hopefully with the discontinuation of XP and Vista it gives us some more features :+1:


For truth, disabling support for Vista is fine Because the system was really glitchy and I personally found some errors in my whole life (… my age). Actually, there is some percentage of people in WORLD that still uses XP and those may be users that plays ROBLOX, this could be users that can’t afford ‘very good’ computer or loves system (like me). But actually I agree with that.

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In some news ( unofficial/official ) I read that the Microsoft support for Windows 7 would end some time in 2020y. In my opinion, Microsoft want just their users to get on Windows 10, which has more (little or huge) errors than Win 7.

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Win 7 SP 1 end of life is 14 January 2020. That said, XP extended support ended in 2014.


The thing I don’t understand about this is why it’s being posted on the dev forum, when studio isn’t available on those devices anyway. Is this supposed to have an effect on developers at all?


I actually appreciate this sort of stuff on the devforum because it shows that Roblox is willing to be transparent about changes that are upcoming.


I’m glad that this change is happening. Supporting those operating systems prevented features that would make the platform grow as a whole. Most people, who use windows, have upgraded to 7 or 10 within the past couple of years. Those that never transitioned will have to or suffer dropped support from other various platforms in the next five years if not already. Looking forward to what’s to come.

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Question: Is there a possibility that support for Windows 8/8.1 could end in a future date? When would it end?

Disclaimer: I am not a Windows 8/8.1 user, but instead, I am a Windows 10 user. I was just asking this question because I was a little curious regarding support for Windows 8/8.1.


I started playing Roblox with Windows XP certainly a sad goodbye, I saw this coming ever since 2017 when Studio support was discontinued.


Yes, of course, eventually, that should be obvious. They can’t support any operating system forever. There will always be newer operating systems. Did you mean to ask “when”?


Imagine 3 years into the future and windows 7, 8 , 8.1 and maybe 10 getting unsupported.


Is this version new eenough for it or do I have to update?


Yeah, I meant to ask “when”. Oops.

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Yeah, Windows 10 is supported for now. You don’t have to update.

Is it going to change anytime soon? And this is windows 10? Is there a newer version?

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Windows 10 is supported until October 2025.
And yes, that OS is Windows 10.

There is no version that is new than Windows 10 (e.g. Windows 11, 12, etc.). Windows 10 is the latest version of Windows, and that’s not going to change anytime soon.


Can I go back to Windows 7 if I wanted to? (I preferred that)

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You can, but only if you installed Windows 7 earlier on your computer.
Check this article for more info: Go back to Windows 8.1 - Microsoft Support


The end of an era… I have strong memories of when I first installed Roblox onto my (then) 7-year-old Windows XP Desktop computer when I was a child. I remember the hours of frustration with low framerate and a poor internet connection. I’m glad they’re ending support, as resources can be used elsewhere.


My guess is a lot of XP users will be switching to Debian/Ubuntu, and native support for that isn’t likely to happen in the future, will all of the driver issues around. Who knows though, maybe there could be a RobloxOS distro someday, like steam has done. Hoping for the best in terms of community retention!