Support for Windows XP and Vista ending soon

Very interesting to see this notice, since Windows XP has been unsupported since 2014, and most software companies already abandoned it in 2017. Never knew ROBLOX was continuing support and maintenance of software compatibility with Windows XP and Windows Vista. Hope that when ROBLOX moves on, those clunky old compatibility code for XP and Vista will be removed to optimise ROBLOX even further, and possibly more exciting new features added to ROBLOX for modern systems.


As I understand it, is that users using Windows XP can no longer use the roblox platform, unfortunately I particularly know friends who still use Windows XP and they will no longer be able to use roblox :disappointed_relieved:


Yeah, you are right. The only reasons anyone would still be using Windows Vista or XP to play Roblox is because (1) Nostalgia reasons. (2) They can’t upgrade to Windows 7+.


Can we have a value in our Developer Stats for how much players play from each OS so we can estimate the damage from the support end?


I really hope not as that’s what I use in my laptop, that said when I ever get a PC I’ll be getting windows 10


I would definitely like to know some things about how much this actually effects the current users on Roblox. Now I think I understand why this is happening and it’s mostly cause Roblox is improving its game engine a lot. When you have such a old version of windows it will hinder the game play. I think there’s no point to program the engine for such a old windows software.

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Next January? Where did you get this information from?

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This is because Microsoft cannot keep updating old systems. Additionally, Windows 10 is the last version of Windows— there isn’t going to be a major new release (eg Windows XP vs Windows 7)

I suggest just biting the bullet and upgrading to Windows 10 as you’re missing out on a lot. There are some issues with Windows 10 and Microsoft’s business practises but these are all easily changable.

Windows XP lost support in 2014 and a subset of users still use it.

As stated by the OP, they have no plans, official or unofficial, to remove Windows 7 support anytime soon.

Roblox have no willingness to let developers view users’ platforms.


Yes… but shouldn’t it be announced on the blog first? Or at least at all? It will effect players who read the blog more than the developers who create the games, which aren’t even on these devices. If I were ROBLOX, I’d announce this, but somewhere else.


Users on the impacted platforms will likely be notified of this.

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good point, lets hope Roblox dose a post on the main blog soon!

That’s okay, it gives people more of an incentive to update their desktop version. They really should of updated it regardless, Windows XP could be especially dangerous, when it’s no longer supported.

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I know- but doesn’t it seem unnecessary to post it, especially in what appears to be their first announcement of this, if a forum of people who probably won’t be effected by this?

Unless I am wrong, the DevForum is for Developers to use. If you can’t develop on these devices anyway, what’s the point of posting it here?

Also, if I am getting too off-topic, please let me know and I’ll delete this post.


On the 14th, users will be notified on a daily basis that support for XP and Vista is ending.

I did read that part, but like I said, if it’s going to be posted on the DevForum, shouldn’t it be posted somewhere else first?

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Why does it need to be posted somewhere else? Most people aren’t going to be affected by this change. Those who will be affected will be notified.

The reason they’re notifying developers is to be transparent. If a user using XP or Vista starts contacting developers that they can’t play their games, we’ll already know why and will be able to tell them that they need to upgrade to continue playing Roblox games.


Nice update. It will help Roblox improve other important things! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


The affected Players will get warnings, everyone else doesn’t even Need to know About that.

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Oh. That makes sense.

Also, I didn’t say it should be posted somewhere else, I said it should be posted somewhere else BEFORE posted here.