Support Form Appeals

I recently created an appeal ticket hours ago and I have received no response. I was banned seven days for apparently “Bullying and Harassment” and when I created another ticket I did eventually get a response but they never said whether or not I’d be unbanned. This system is really frustrating and it’s really crazy how they ban you for stupid reasons or falsely. These “content monitors” just moderate people for incorrect reasons and the staff members are not helping at all and when you even try to appeal you’ll either get ignored or get the same botted response from another staff member if you try to do it again. This system really needs an improvement.

I created another appeal ticket and nobody has responded to me yet and it’s been hours, I even gave a valid statement of what happened and the offensive item(s) they listed aren’t even valid enough for a seven day ban. So what should I do as they won’t respond to my appeal ticket?


If you’re able to, send a screenshot of the ban notice here as a second opinion could help. Try think of the context or that message when you sent it (or just make it up to make yourself look like you didn’t break the rules), and tell Roblox support the reason you sent the message.

I once got a 7 day ban for saying someone that had a full black avatar “black”. Appeal was successful though when I explained what happened

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I forgot to send it sorry.

There’s a lot I’m confused on because none of this is bullying or harassment.

(the “roblox hates furries” part was a question directed towards someone who was talking about “furries” in VC and the “he likes kids” part was directed towards an adult that kept harassing minors but yeah none of this seems ban worthy for 7 days i think lol dont mind the donald trump part that was just when i saw someone dressed as him)

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Okay yeah you’re right that ban is pretty outrageous. Try doing what I said before and clearly explaining the context of each of the messages to roblox support (and hope you get a human response :pray:) but if that doesn’t work you’ll just have to wait out the ban.

Reread your post and saw that you’ve already explained what happened, my bad didn’t see that first time around, so I’d just try rephrasing it in a clearer way if possible. It’s been proven in the past that Roblox outsources moderation and I wouldn’t be surprised if they did that with appeals to cut costs

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Thank you, I’ll create another appeal ticket and explain the context of each message like you said.

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The Roblox Support Team is just bullshit. I uploaded an audio file that was removed for violating the Terms of Service (Copyright), even though I had obtained permission from the creator. This was acceptable because they use an AI to detect copyrighted content and can’t know if I got permissions to upload it. However, after contacting them the first time, they assured me that they would unblock the audio within 3 days. Surprisingly, after 2 weeks, it still hadn’t been unblocked. Upon reaching out to them again, the agent simply stated that they wouldn’t provide any support on this matter. Following that message, he ignored all of my emails. I don’t wonder why you got banned for that


Literally they need to improve it, the botted messages are really annoying and the support team as a whole is just bad.

I mean the reason why you got banned in general is because of the AI system which catches people who ‘harass’ people in games, which is totally inaccurate and serves a bunch of false positives. I’ve had friends who got banned due to them saying via text or voice chat something that isn’t intended to be taken as harassment yet they still get banned.

I’d suggest you to keep emailing them; explain in the furthest detail as to why you said what you said and prove them wrong. 70% of the time you’ll either get hit by an automated response, but you’ll eventually get a human reply as long as you be descriptive with your appeal. This always works.

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Yeah I created another appeal ticket because the one I made yesterday got ignored but they had responded to the first one but didn’t tell me whether or not I’d be unbanned.

Their system is really messy.

They unbanned me just now, it’s so crazy how I had to wait for so long and some of my tickets were ignored or someone told me I wouldn’t be given another response to the inquiry but they just emailed me and told me they removed the consequence from my account.


you have a point but why are you cursing inside of devforum?

Are we here in kindergarten or what? If you can’t handle it, then turn off the internet.

this is devforum, a part of roblox, not a reddit thread nor a discord channel. you’re not allowed to swear. go read the guidelines

I don’t think anyone cares about that

well a rule is a rule, and the mighty flag button exists

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Yes. My original account is currently DELETED and I haven’t been able to appeal it. So please go to Support ( and file an appeal for superdimensionmaster. I filed an appeal for you. Everyone please file an appeal for v1uxz and for superdimensionmaster.

Also if you get incorrectly banned report how it was done at HackerOne. Hackers like to use falsely banning people as an exploit so that makes methods of falsely banning people exploits. You can get paid if they accept your report too! Remember to help appeal superdimensionmaster’s ban if you want a way to thank me! No pressure!