Support sending shouts in group web API

User Story:

As a developer, it is not possible to programatically post a shout to a group in an officially supported manner.

Current Workaround:

I can send shouts through the ASP web form, but this API is not officially supported.


params = {
    "__VIEWSTATE": (input name="__VIEWSTATE").value,
    "__EVENTVALIDATION": (input name="__EVENTVALIDATION").value
    "__RequestVerificationToken": (input name="__RequestVerificationToken").value

    "ctl00$cphRoblox$GroupStatusPane$StatusTextBox": shoutText,
    "ctl00$cphRoblox$GroupStatusPane$StatusSubmitButton": "Group Shout"

POST params=params

Use Cases:

  • Automated events can be shouted in my game’s group
  • Devforum bot can automatically shout updates posted in public category
  • Ew groups can shout raids/etc
  • I can lock down shouting privileges to only what the group admins need i.e. “Using this web form, you can have the bot shout x type of event, but you can’t shout custom text like ‘lol poop’”

If Roblox is able to address this issue by officially supporting a endpoint to post group shouts, the listed use cases will be able to be implemented using stable APIs that are not subject to change at any given time.


While we are at it throw in a server API to get current group shout

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Sir, I think you meant to say “Clans,” and not “Social groups”

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I would love to have an API like this. It would make bot development a lot easier and it would be easier to control the system via programming in my games / places.