Support shout retrieval in group web API

User Story:

As a developer, it is not possible to programatically retrieve a group’s shout in an officially supported manner. None of the key features I need are supported by or

  • The ability to determine if the user has privileges to view the shout in the first place
  • The ability to get the shout text
  • The ability to get the shout metadata (date and user)

Current Workaround:

I can get this information through the mobile group API (desktop API does not differentiate between no shout and insufficient privileges), but this API is not officially supported.


if not (div class="group-shout") then insufficientPermissions

shoutText = (div class="group-shout-body").text
shoutTimestamp = (div class="group-shout-info").div.text
shoutUserName = (div class="group-shout-name").a.text
shoutUserId = parseInt: (div class="group-shout-name").a.href

Use Cases:

  • Shout notifier (@Merely’s 26,000-user extension currently uses the listed workaround)
  • Extension which adds a group overview page that shows current shouts for user’s top groups
  • Push notifications for group shouts in-game so I don’t have to manually type out the same thing again for the push notification system in my game e.g. “Update in 10 minutes! Stay in your servers for now.”
    • I don’t expect this to be a member of GroupService since, in some groups, shouts require authentication

If Roblox is able to address this issue by officially supporting a endpoint to retrieve group shouts, the listed use cases will be able to be implemented using stable APIs that are not subject to change at any given time.


I would love to see this alongside your other request to have an API to post a group shout.