Surface GUI Bug

Hello Fellow Developers, in the past few days I have been experiencing an issue in many different Roblox games where the surface GUI is bugged. This is what it looks like on my computer. (Bugged)

This is what it looks like on my phone: (Normal)

I also took a screenshot of me in-game on my computer on my alt account to make sure this is not an account issue. This is what it looks like (Bugged)

I use a Mac 2011 version 10.13.6. If you have any information regarding this issue or have experienced this issue, please let me know.

(This is my first post if it is in the wrong category please let me know.)


Iā€™m also new to DevForum, but I believe this should be in #bug-reports.

I believe that #help-and-feedback:platform-usage-support is more for learning, as shown here: About the Platform Usage Support category

Since this is just a problem with your computer and likely not you doing anything wrong, I think you should post it as a bug report.


Seems like missing fonts, have you tried reinstalling?
Does it occur in Studio or the Player?


I did try reinstalling and nothing happened. It occurs in game, in Studio there is no issue.

I have a friend who has had this happen to him so many times and it has been going on for a while, 3+ months.