Surface Light and others type of Light arent working

For some reason, the “SurfaceLight” and other types of lights are not working.

Yesterday, I left the Studio and at that time it was working, all lights were on and etc but when I entered the studio today, it was all dark and the surfacelights were not working even though they are on. This might be a bug as I see no other reason around.

Have any of you had this happen to you?

If you know how to solve it, please help.


I don’t know if it’s a graphical bug

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I was using automatic and changed it to level 1 for example, and it worked fine. I tried to put automatic again, everything went dark again. Just tested it now.

Great, I switched to level 21, now the lights are normally off, why is this happening.

well, the image/fx of rbx studio will be changed depends on your graphics settings.
lvl 21 will be dark because it’s ‘dark’ effect [i think so] and don’t worry it just happens with players who get high graphics setting in their game too
but i prefer recommend you to edit lights at automatic to fit with average setting of rbx players

This problem, even though it is automatic, everything is off and it shouldn’t be since yesterday everything was the same but everything was working fine. Not to mention that now if I put medium level, there is now a circle underneath the player moving while a player is walking.

One more point I saw, the problem only happens with “Future”, I tested others and did not have this problem.

Happening for me too, they simply aren’t working at all under Future.

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This could potentially be a bug, since I’ve seen other posts of this same problem, lighting not working with future light mode. You should put this post under the “Bug Reports” category if you can.

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Agreed, this is a bug affecting all games using Future lighting.

A temporary fix is to lower graphics to level 4 or less