SurfaceAppearance fades in Transparency AlphaMode

Future lighting’s HBAO Does not work, not sure if you saw it but the future is bright team wont respond that they’re looking or anything.


I’m still seeing the thin transparent issue at a distance, with newly published SA leaves. In studio is looks fine, in game I get the see-through look from a distance.

so switched it to shadow map and it made the leaves look opaque, went back and switched it back to Future, went in game to take a screenshot for this post, and now it looks right? So, idk if its fixed, but it stills seems to be an intermittent problem.

I had the issue again, adding a new forest, same fix worked, switching to shadowmap publishing then switching back to future, very strange, pictures:

Future first publish(thin/transparent at distance):
but from close up they’re not transparent:

then publish as shadowmap, then publish again as Future, fixed: