SurfaceApperance.Color tint does not work for everyone (Dress To Impress)

The newly released color tint to surface appearance doesn’t seem to be working for everyone. It works for most people, but there’s a small percentage for whom it doesn’t.

As you can see, the color tint works here:

But for some people, it doesn’t:

The issue is very random. Some people have it working fine on PC, while others on PC don’t. Same with mobile; it works for some people but not for others.


Hi @Gigi_DTI,
Thanks for flagging this issue! Would it be possible to send us a small repro placefile (either here or in private messages) maybe with just your palette setup so we can dive and try reproducing the issue, please?


This issue should be solved now so I will close this ticket. @Gigi_DTI, please let us know if some of your players are still experiencing this problem.

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