Unsure what I am missing here, as I’ve done SurfaceGui’s on parts before and handled input. However this one isn’t taking any input. It’s parented under PlayerGui, and adorneed. No reason to not be taking input
So did u made the script as,
plr.PlayerGui etc…
Or did u do
script.Parent etc…
For me it only works with the second way.
If this doesn’t works.
Try messing around with local script and normal script. That could also be an solution.
I am using module scripts as I am using the Knit framework
Twitter = PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Twitter")
this has no reason to not work
For me, when i made surface gui’s it only worked on local script.
So u should try working with events now and converting it into local script If any other solution doesn’t works?
this is local. I know what I am doing. This should work. There is no reason this should not work
Oke, because i don’t really know how that Knit Framwork thing works.
So like am sorry if i respond with any dumb questions.
U should try doing the input with not player.PlayerGui if u had that.
Then u should do script.Parent etc. for the buttons.
For anything else, i sadly can’t help u with this.
I can’t do script.Parent as the script is parented under StarterPlayerScripts
I am learned to put it under StarterGui?
Or can you also put it under starterPlayerScripts? Because i don’t knew that
Here is the site:
Hey, I’m having the same issue, did you by any chance figure out what it was?
(edit: I found the issue. You have to make sure there is no adornee prior to you parenting it. easy solution is to set adornee to nil, then parent, then adornee)