Surfacegui on Unions

Is there a way to possibly put a Surfacegui on a union with gaps?
I’m looking to create something like this:

The issue I’m running into is like this:

I’m aware there’s a way to do this with a texture, but it completely ruins the texture, so I won’t be using that.

Na, there isn’t a way to do that. Only thing you can do is put the gui on the individual parts or make it so that the gui itself has gaps.

Does it have to be a SurfaceGui, or could it just be a Decal?

You would have to make gaps in the image and then place it on a decal

Textures and decals are both affected by gaps and whatnot.

I take it these are meant to be displays which means it would be preferred that the image isn’t affected by light but unfortunately this is the only option for getting gaps in the image without having to alter the image itself.

I’ve used Decals on Unions with gaps and haven’t noticed them being affected, as long as the faces are somewhat close to 90 degrees the Decal only gets placed on one of the 6 ‘faces’ of the Union.

Just make it brighter than white to get “emissive” decals/textures. It kinda works.

I mean it can really be either, I just prefer surfacegui because then I can control the fitment to be crop, etc. and then I can add other layers on top of it to make it more realistic like a screen