SurfaceGUI - Register

Hi! I’m having some problems with SurfaceGUIs.

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want to make a café register for my game, but I’m having some problems with the SurfaceGUIs. I want to make some buttons appear when you press a button and I want other buttons to dissapear.

  2. What is the issue?
    I really don’t have a much understanding in SurfaceGUIs and I don’t know how to make the buttons appear and dissapear.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I have looked on Youtube, Developer Hub and I have also tried using some examples from the toolbox, but none of them have the solution to my problem :/.

SurfaceGUI’s have an Enabled property. You can enable and disable that property from LocalScripts.

I never really used SurfaceGUIs, but wouldn’t it be the same as a normal GUI?