So, I have a SurfaceGUI that has a Scrolling Frame attached too it. When someone claims a stand in my game, it grabs the SurfaceGUI, clones it, Adornee’s the part it needs to attach too and then places it in every player’s playergui, now this in itself works. However, when I was testing something with a friend, it was a 50/50 chance on who could scroll, sometimes I could scroll and click the buttons, sometimes he could do it, but neither of us at the same time could. I’ve tried doing Clips Descendants etc, and I think this worked, but then it shows through avatar parts etc, so this isn’t a fix I want to use. I’ve tried ZIndex’ing, I don’t know what else to try, anything I’ve looked up is using Clips Descendants as a fix.
Am I doing something wrong? I don’t know.