surfaceGui Virus coming out of nowhere

anyone seeing any Surfacegui in the explorer?
never in my live getting virus like this before

lmk if y were able to help me, and whats going on rnow

Search the Explorer for Classname:SurfaceGUI. It’ll point out where they are.
It’s likely not in the workspace.

Have you (or your team members) started using a new plugin or used a free model recently?

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oh wait nvm, he’s right, it’s plugins Issue
never, Downloaded Cracky plugin fellas

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  1. Does this happen whenever you are making a new Baseplate?
  2. Are there any possibilities for you to disable temporarily all of your plugins using this step?

If this is due to plugins, then you should be careful about them. Just because they are free and they are just, again, plugins, that doesn’t mean that every single one won’t have something fishy.

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I think in your game theres no surface gui , but some of the instances of your proyect has been inyected by an malware that inyects an script and that script cannot be shown in Studio

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