So I have this GUI which makes the player’s HUD look more handsome, and since SurfaceGui’s have Always on Top automatically off, I forget to turn it on. Now it looks good in the first image, then
Bam! What happened to it?
Here is the code for it if it’s needed:
local rs = game:GetService("RunService")
local part = workspace:WaitForChild("HUD")
local offset =,-5,-11) -- offset between camera and part
local rot = CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(-5), 0)
local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
part.CFrame = cam.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(rot) * offset
Now i think rotating the CFrame for the Part mightve made it suffer the same fate as when you use Rotation in a ScreenGui, but if there arent any straight answers for this then its ok, I’ll just have to live with the fate I’ll keep it straight forward.