SurfaceGuis in the PlayerGui with ScrollingFrames interfere with camera zooming (Started Today)

Starting today, players in my game have been unable to zoom their camera after interacting with SurfaceGuis that contain a scrolling frame. Here is a studio file that reproduces the issue:
BillboardScrollRepro.rbxl (49.3 KB)

To get this issue to happen you simply need to:

  1. Play studio
  2. Move your mouse to the SurfaceGui and scroll
  3. Move away your mouse and try to zoom the camera
  4. Nothing will happen

The SurfaceGui must be parented to the PlayerGui for this to happen. This place contains a LocalScript which moves the SurfaceGui from the workspace to the client’s PlayerGui.

I have also been getting reports that this is affecting people’s ability to aim with tanks (in Car Crushers 2). Which uses Mouse.Origin to set the tank’s aim target. The tank will no longer aim where the mouse is pointing after interacting with the SurfaceGui


Thanks for reporting this! The issue should be resolved now, and camera zooming should be back to normal. We apologize for the inconvenience.


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