SurfaceGUIs inherit AbsolutePosition when parented to a ScreenGUI


  1. Insert a ScreenGUI into StarterGUI
  2. Set ScreenGUI.IgnoreGUIInset to true
  3. Insert a GUIObject such as an ImageLabel into the ScreenGUI and leave its position at (0, 0, 0, 0)
  4. Insert a SurfaceGUI as a direct child of that ScreenGUI (don’t bother setting the adornee, the bug happens whether you do or not)
  5. Insert a GUIObject such as an ImageLabel into the SurfaceGUI and leave its position at (0, 0, 0, 0)
  6. Press F5 to enter play solo mode.
  7. Navigate to game.Players[Username].PlayerGUI and find the ScreenGUI you created.

Observe how the ImageLabel inside the ScreenGUI has an AbsolutePosition of (0, -58). This is expected behaviour caused by ignoring the GUI inset.

Observe how the ImageLabel inside the SurfaceGUI also has an AbsolutePosition of (0, -58) even though it’s in a SurfaceGUI and should not be effected by the ScreenGUI’s ignoring of the GUI inset.

Expected behavior

The ImageLabel inside a SurfaceGUI should not be effected by the ScreenGUI and its position.

This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue and will start investigating, we will update you when we have further information.

Thanks for flagging!

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Hi @Noobot9k, thanks for reporting this bug!

I believe it should now be fixed! If you have a chance, would you be able to confirm it’s fixed for you?
