- Insert a ScreenGUI into StarterGUI
- Set ScreenGUI.IgnoreGUIInset to true
- Insert a GUIObject such as an ImageLabel into the ScreenGUI and leave its position at (0, 0, 0, 0)
- Insert a SurfaceGUI as a direct child of that ScreenGUI (don’t bother setting the adornee, the bug happens whether you do or not)
- Insert a GUIObject such as an ImageLabel into the SurfaceGUI and leave its position at (0, 0, 0, 0)
- Press F5 to enter play solo mode.
- Navigate to game.Players[Username].PlayerGUI and find the ScreenGUI you created.
Observe how the ImageLabel inside the ScreenGUI has an AbsolutePosition of (0, -58). This is expected behaviour caused by ignoring the GUI inset.
Observe how the ImageLabel inside the SurfaceGUI also has an AbsolutePosition of (0, -58) even though it’s in a SurfaceGUI and should not be effected by the ScreenGUI’s ignoring of the GUI inset.
Expected behavior
The ImageLabel inside a SurfaceGUI should not be effected by the ScreenGUI and its position.