What’s up? This only happens when the SurfaceGui is in PlayerGui. It doesn’t matter where in PlayerGui it is.
The SurfaceGui renders fine in the StarterGui preview but is wrong when it’s in PlayerGui on the client.
I need to do two things to make it show up.
Change the Adornee
Change the CanvasSize
After I do these two things, it will show up. Sometimes it shows up when I only do one of them. Then, I can set it back to its old CanvasSize and Adornee and it shows up as it should. So this is almost definitely a client bug.
UPDATE: As far as I know, this only happens when the SurfaceGUI is a descendant of a ScreenGUI. SurfaceGUIBugRepro.rbxl (17.9 KB)
It already is
If you look at the client picture, I have one of the Frame’s selected. You can see that the selection box is not in the same place as it is in the studio picture.