SurfaceLight shadows non-functional

Toggling the shadow property of SurfaceLights, they do nothing!


I’ve noticed this as well. :?


It works on the light grid so the walls have to be sufficiently large and sufficiently thick for it to have any effect

Spotlights/Pointlights are fine, it’s just the newly added SurfaceLights that don’t make shadows.

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I don’t know if I should be annoyed or amazed.

Just played with SurfaceLights again and I was just about to create a new bug report today. Before making the report of course, I searched the devforums in case someone reported this bug already. It was then that I discovered that not only did someone report this bug, but that it was me who had reported this same bug. An entire year ago!

But please. roblo pls fix

Edit: Here’s an image of the bug


Confirmed reproduction of bug

Yellow light is a surfacelight with shadows on

Middle light is a spotlight with shadows on

Closest light is a spotlight with shadows off

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We are approaching the 2-year anniversary of this bug… can a staff member at least respond to this? It doesn’t have to be a priority bug fix, but an acknowledgement of this bug would be much appreciated.


This is sort of by design - when we were shipping SurfaceLight the existing shadowing solution wasn’t very easy to extend to large/non-punctual light sources; facing the options of “not shipping surface lights” or “shipping surface lights without shadow support” we chose the latter.

We should probably hide the Shadows checkbox for now. It’s possible that we’ll implement shadow support for SurfaceLight at some point, but this is less of a bug report and more of a feature request.

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Ah, well that’s unfortunate. Thanks for clearing things up though.