SurfaceUI - Image Buttons not working

Hello! I’m trying to work on this SurfaceUI, and it was working completely fine until this issue randomly appeared.

I have a frame of ImageButtons which are not working. When you click them, nothing occurs, however the script recognizes them. It also recognizes all of the other buttons, they all work.

I’ve tried;

  • Setting ZIndex to highest number
  • Setting LayoutOrder to highest number
  • Printing whenever clicked (no result)
  • Ensuring the UI is in SurfaceGUI
  • Setting Buttons/Frame as Modal

Let me know if you have any ideas.

Explorer Layout

Stars Frame / Button Properties

Star Code

for _,Star in pairs(App.Stars:GetChildren()) do
	if(Star:IsA("ImageButton")) then
		print("StarExists") -- Works!
			print("GotClick!") -- Doesn't work!
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is it in the StarterGui, and is it’s adornee set to the phone part?

Yes it is in StaretrGui & adorned properly.

Still looking for a fix on this issue. Bump.

I’m going to bed; will try fixes in the morning CST time.

did you did the star code in a Function or just outside like

function yourFunction()
-- the code

-- OR

for _,Star....

nevermind thats a dumb question i tought it was maybe a probleme in the function but u actually receive the print saying that the button exist… thats weird

yep, it’s printing so I’m confused haha.