surfaceUi text label ont the correct size

ive tried make a progress indicator for a Final Stand ability for my game, which requires you to be at low health to use
but the text dont scale correctly! its too small and i wanted it to be bigger, like cover half or more of the ui space, anyone know any fix?

text scaled is ON

Try turning on RichText; there is a limit to how big text can get without it. Also check for padding, and turn on TextWrapped

Have you tried to turn down the “pixels-per-stud” property of the surface gui? Having it too high results in textlabels not being able to scale large enough without using Rich Text. But in this case scaling it larger than the normal maximum is a bit overkill.

i didnt want to turn down the PPS as it would decrease the quality of the other UI buttons

That is ofc. up to you indeed, then Rich Text is the way forward.