Survival Game Concept

Hello everyone, I’ve been kinda holding out from posting about this on the Forums, and have really only posted photos to my Twitter (@Trustmeimruski) but I decided to show you what I and a friend have been working on for the past few months. Remember that nothing you see is final, and that all feedback is much appreciated. On top of this I wanted to post a few polls to get some feedback so we know what we should be focusing on.

What’s The Game About?


Firstly let me give you a brief rundown about what this game actually is. This is a story inspired co-op survival, I guess you could think of it similar to Left 4 Dead? There is a Solo mode as well. It is also mixed in with a wave based style of survival, however the waves can overlap if players don’t advanced in completing objectives.
Some of these objectives may include activating power in certain areas of the map, collecting fuel to power generators, finding keys or items, and getting to certain locations.

The Survival aspect comes in with the mutants that live throughout the map. There’s several types of mutants all with different abilities and levels, and they get harder as the waves go on. Different sections of the map contain different types of creatures and eggs which you must kill. There’s a revive system, health does not regenerate, and if you die you must wait until the wave is complete.

Weapons can be purchased before hand and modified from the games starter station before you enter the game. You can also purchase a certain amount of ammo, medical supplies, and perks before hand. These all have a one time use and money is scares to find. You must scavenge and search through lockers, crates, bodies, and dead mutants to find ammo, money, health items, etc. There’s a basic crafting system to create traps and to even make bullets, but you still must obtain the materials. Items you finish with will be saved (as long as you don’t die) and you can sell or trade your items, ammo, and supplies back at the starter station.

What’s the Story line?


The story takes place during the mid 90s in Europe, specifically the Soviet Union roughly 4 years after the Cold War ends in the Soviets ‘Dead hand switch’ being activated, creating a near world wide doomsday. Survivors around the country take refuge inside the vast European metros, sewers, and military bunkers. Some manage to find safe spots on the surface, but the majority of the country is so contaminated with radiation that you need special masks and suits to even breath. Your station has been overrun with these mutants so you and 3 other survivors leave to find refuge and give warning to surrounding stations. Or something of the sort, we’re still thinking up a decent story. A lot of the inspiration is coming from different books and games namely Russian author Dmitry Glukhovskyand his Metro2033 series.

TL;DR: It’s a game focusing on teamwork to complete objectives to ‘win’ the game chapter. You must scavenge for supplies and ammo and fight off the mutant creatures.

A cool thing is that each of the 4 players will have their own voice actors, personalities. We expect to introduce more players later on, as a player you’ll be able to select your character. I’m actually hosting a contest right now for any interested for the best original character design for the game with some cash prizes:

Alright now here’s the first chapter. Each chapters map will be differently themed to match the story line, when we introduce a new character it might take place in possibly a new country even with the new characters. (And yes, I used the the lighting since I have no idea when official release will be. I have a version for both Voxel & Shadowmap for all maps)

This isn’t even the full map, there’s several other areas. Can’t spoil it all though!

And of course we have the starter station before you enter the game where you can obtain supplies, customize and pick your character, and buy, sell, or trade your items.

Also if anyone’s interested, I made a short 1 minute map preview trailer… don’t mind my horrible editing skills:


I’m Russian as well, so I find this pretty cool - being a huge fan of Glukhovsky myself (and my dad). I absolutely love the knife models you got as well.
In my opinion, your main weapon here is ROBLOX lighting, it makes your game so beautiful and stand out from the rest.

Regardless, what’s the size of Chapter 1’s map? Will all chapter maps be consistent in terms of playtime and size/length?


Chapter 1 is mostly created for testing purposes and to see kinda what our limitations are, it has a verity of large open areas, to cramped hallways, that sort of thing. It’ll give me a good feeling once we run some tests through it how to adjust and create future maps. The first two chapters will be fairly straight forward as to completing them, after that I would like to make it a bit more challenging for players (assuming they have the hang of the game by then).

I should of mentioned though, once the chapter is complete it will save the progress then go into an endless wave survival to then see how long the players will last, it’ll be a lot harder and the mutants will become a lot stronger and the waves go but I think I’ll offer rewards to those who stay to survive the bonus waves.


You should include pressured feeling towards the player, situation wise.

Like imagine you just barely finally killed off a mutant, on your last bullet.

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That building is amazing. Well done!

Those screenshots are gorgeous.

…Are you accepting scripters?

I like the idea and the screenshots. But it seems like a game that my computer would die in.

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This looks amazing. I love the last screenshot with the patterned wallpaper. I really want to play this lol. Good luck creating! Can’t wait to see it finished.

Looks great

We’re having a completely customization graphics settings page so you can actually remove thousands of unneeded parts and textures if you’re lagging. We hope this will allow lower-end PCs to run smoother in the maps.

That looks very nice. I’m always so fond of builders because I’m barely capable of building myself.

That being said, I think you should slide this into #development-discussion:cool-creations. :slightly_smiling_face: You can move the topic by clicking the pencil beside the topic title.

This post what created in 2017 how did you find this lmao