Survival Game Feedback

Hello, looking for feedback:

  • Opinion on Character / Weapon Controller
  • Game Design on Looting/Zombies - and also player interactions
  • Other

Goal is a very-simple, easy fun survival game.

Currently Like Ratio is very low, and Playtime avg is about 10 minutes - Not very impressive.



This going to be mostly criticism, but I’ll preface by saying I really like the game, and I’d love to see it work out. I miss old Apocalypse Rising, which this is clearly based on, and it’d be nice to see a new sort of adaptation of it.

Here are my thoughts in order of how much I think they’re affecting rating + session length (and how much fun your players are having).

Main issues:

  • There is so much walking between towns. This has to change, and it’s got to be a reason why people are leaving so easily. A sprint option, vehicles (even just like a bicycle), or making the towns closer together would help significantly, in my opinion.

  • Zombie AI is extremely basic, which is fine, but it doesn’t pose a challenge. A challenge is really important in a game like this, since that’s the motivation to improve by collecting more weapons and items. Zombies should at least react to nearby sounds such as gunshots, movement, breaking windows etc. to cause them to group up on you more, or if they see other zombies moving towards a target.

  • Zombies are pretty uncommon from what I saw, and way too easy to kill. I don’t mind wasting ammo on them since there aren’t really any consequences (again, like making more attack you). Making ammo more rare might be a good idea, but maybe I didn’t play enough to get a good idea of how rare it is. They should spawn more frequently in towns, and could rarely spawn in buildings so you need to be on guard when entering one.

  • I know classic Apoc had the same inaccessible, closed-off buildings, but you don’t have to. This game is being made many years later, so Roblox and peoples’ devices have improved significantly. The only reason I believe they had them was to reduce lag, but I’m certain most devices can handle it now, especially with the game’s simple art style.

  • Is this map actually real? I haven’t seen any water or any of these places. Makes it impossible to navigate, especially since none of the towns are named.

  • Add landmarks! In the original Apocalypse Rising, you could work out where you were even if you didn’t have a compass or map, based on the landmarks like the radio tower. A couple landmarks would help work out where I am so I don’t have to wander randomly to find places.

Smaller issues:

  • Maybe add a label saying what hotkey the inventory is. Had to just guess and spam keys to find it.

  • Aiming down sights is inconsistent when using right mouse button (works fine when pressing Q, but I don’t really use that)

  • Trying to wear something like a shirt should swap it if you already have one equipped

  • Zombies can hit you through walls (these are their arms through the wall)

  • Small nitpick, but some of the trees were floating, and all of them are rotated in the same direction.

Hope these were helpful. Once again, I’m interested in this project. Would like to see people playing it!

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Thanks for the thorough reply, I very much Appreciate the Critique.

  • You’re right, there is too much Open Space - I am 100% going to make all towns within 1-2 minutes of eachother evenutally. I want the player to always be in Visual Distance to the next “Objective”, aka town to explore. This map was thrown together this weekend for the testing.
  • I’m surprised you think Zombies are uncommon, if anything I saw new players getting rekt by zombies, and they’re fairly common.
  • The “Filled In Buildings” are important because they are good Filler & Cover for the map. They fit nicely for the gameplay.
  • You’re overestimating the power of Devices FYI
  • Yes you’re right the Map is from a different game, and none of the Towns are marked.
  • Yes I am now starting to add Landmarks - now that the “Starter Towns” on the outside of the map are ready.

Overall you highlighted all the main problems I see with the Demo - a lot to do with the Hastily-Made demo map.

Can you elaborate on what you mean that Aim Down Sights is inconsistent with your Right Mouse Button? I custom coded a “Right Button Click” into UIS (its a 0.15 second timer) that emulates a click.

This is the copy-pasted Map I threw together over the weekend. If players Run to the Middle first, clearly they’ll not have Towns to Explore.

On top of that, more Unique Locations in the middle of the map will make it more interesting, and keep players longer.


Just finished this bad boy… Now to put it in-game with a GPS

Map Locations

I play it in a server of 8 people, this are my toughs as a player:

-I love the gun aiming (how you did it?)
-Like the inventory system
-Is easy
-Nice buildings

-Only find a player (dead now)
-Game dont save data
-Zombies dont make sound?
-Small population of zombies
-I cant use acog attachment?
-The flashlight is not really usefull
-Do clothes affect other than apparence? if the anwser is yes, why i will waste inventory weight on them?
-To much walking

i will rate it a 7 of 10, has potential, maybe you could try a smaller map, more zombies or a faster hunger/thirst

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I now have all the basic functions (character controller, weapon controller, loot progression, zombies) and now has the Map + GPS. So the core is there. We’ll see how it performs over time