Survival Island Simulator

I haven’t been active in a while due to my struggle in finding game concepts that truly captivate my interest. However, recently, I came across a TikTok where someone requested an AI to generate a game. Although my game concept isn’t directly inspired by that TikTok, it sparked an idea within me. I’d like to share my building/modeling progress here and receive genuine feedback on the game’s overall concept and its MAP (not discussing gameplay details just yet).

truth is I finished this map really quickly (2 days) however I feel like there is a lot left to do, so please tell me what you think and I want honest opinions. Thanks


man idk. that looks really good. the only thing i could possibly think of is the water looks a bit too shiny. like the highlights are really strong and the rest is nothing.

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Increased transparency, do this look better?


Yeah that looks alot better. Still a bit too much contrast I feel like. Is there a way to make the lines a little bit closer to the color of the base water? Other than that its amazing.


By the way I am no artist so my opinion may be invalid on this topic.


Go to Lighting and turn on GlobalShadows or either modify the properties in Lighting. (optional & based on preference)

You could add these textures on some transparency to add some detail.


Turned off shadows for optimizations but I will add textures, Thanks

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I realized I should’ve textured before placing the meshes down completely, so instead of do that laborious task I tried to add more depth to the map.




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A lot of times while looking at creations feedback and designing my own environments, I find myself commonly relating to a tug of war sentiment.

For this particular project, personally I find the high contrast of vegetation a little overwhelming for a survival simulator (Sorry if I’m treading on gameplay elements, and that my bias for realistic coloring is apparent). However what I also find is that the color does bring out the terrains’ unique aesthetic.

I’m curious to see what your final iteration of your project’s environment will look like.


I understand what you’re saying in both senses but like you said the overwhelming vegetation is part of the actual gameplay but the color scheme is pretty much the way it is to categorize the game as a fun and simple game rather than the typical dull and realistic survival games.

thanks for the feedback though, I’ll try to calm down with the vegetation and if the colors seems too bright by the players then ill change that too

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Started Lobby today

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Some good progress! I can see some potential of having a “castaway” effect on the player (if the premise is being stranded on the island) as they transition from the lobby to the actual island. You could amplify this effect on the aspect of the map by adding hidden secrets, planned (or procedural) locations of resources, and encountering unique flora.

There are other ways to expand on this, but this would stray too much into gameplay for this topic.

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I’m glad you caught on to the transition from lobby to the island, it actually wasn’t until today where we decided if there would be a plot behind the gameplay and since we have decided to do that we plan on adding secrets around the map. Also please, this topic was created to be a source of ideas so go ahead!

Surely! This can all depend on the player’s preferences, and how it is implemented.

A powerful aspect of castaway games is isolation and solitude, making the player feel vulnerable to their predicament, and the challenges present on the island (such as the elements, or wildlife). This might be difficult as desolation isn’t usually an ideal element for audiences seeking a casual survival experience.

On the topic of survival experience, one compelling element is overcoming obstacles to survive, such as finding resources during exploration (for wanderer-minded players), finding/building a shelter (for settler-minded players) and other situations that can bring a sense of achievement (if you survived) for those who enjoy strategic and survival-focused gameplay.

Another open-ended approach is a skill development and replayability. A well-designed survival game can allow players to become more skilled at certain tasks the more they play, increasing their odds of avoiding death or mishaps, and being able to experience each play-through differently. If the survival mechanics are too punishing, repetitive, or shallow, it may only be satisfying to play the game once. Remember, you never get a second first impression.

And finally, the most difficult part of a survival game (in my opinion) is giving the player an emotional attachment to their character. This may seem odd, but there are quite a few games that made me feel highly invested in my character/playthrough. Three examples that I can think of (two of which are both the same genre, apologies for my narrow interests) is Project Zomboid, Frostpunk, and on Roblox, Apocalypse Rising.

Each of these games, especially on higher difficulties, can be extremely punishing to play. But as you learn, and overcome more and more harrowing experiences that makes you wonder how on earth you survived that, you become better at each playthrough, and sometimes get a new personal peak that can be heartbreaking when you do eventually lose it all, and have to start all over. For many, the best part isn’t the destination, but the journey.

These are what I can think of for the moment. I hope these give you some ideas!

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These are some really really helpful ideas! Some in which are already incorporated and some that I’ve never even thought of. Like I said I don’t wan’t to give too much information about the game yet but you did touch on a topic that my team and I have been thinking about lately. Characters, I can’t decide if we should keep it simulator style, the default character would be the player’s Roblox character or like a typical survival game where player makes their character in game.


I personally feel like character creation would be a burden to the entire team and regardless wouldn’t really match the theme even though it is a survival game.

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