Survive a Plane Crash Update log

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Game round 8.5 minutes, instead of 12.5 minutes. 4 minutes shaved off, same content
New crash physics, with different angles on the crashsite
[Glitch fix] Interactivity in the plane streamlined
[Glitch fix] Gear no longer has a chance at spawning under the plane
[Glitch fix] Reliably sit down
[Glitch fix] Lobby no longer goes through real lobby during taxi sequence
[Glitch fix] Plane regeneration scripts and backend streamlined
[Glitch fix] Vocal volume settings fixed
[Glitch fix] TV Remote in business class fixed
[Gamepad] Custom XBOX and PS5 icons
[Gamepad] Survival gear and winner path tool works
[Gamepad] Volume settings implemented

Taxi sequence visibility of airport fixed
After round time reduced by half to 40 seconds
Large landmass made into a flat texture for efficiency
Storm added
[Glitch fix] Character being anchored on round restart

Crashsite land does not spawn until needed

Flight attendant food carts fixed
Food carts move by increment controlled only by someone actively on the flight attendant team
Food carts moved by new method
PS5 Icons Displayed

Older Update Log