Survive The Hitmen [Thoughts on my 1st game for free gamepass & custom nametag!]

Hi everyone, wish you a great week ahead :smiley:

This is my first commercial game , I only had some test projects beforehand, so I expect a lot of weaknesses and bugs for feedback:

Survive The Hitmen Icon (Halloween 2022)

Survive The Hitmen :skull: [Beta v1.0] - Roblox

  • Welcome to Survive The Hitmen :skull:. Instead of brainless walking Zombies or one-hit melee Piggy, this is one of the rarest game on Roblox that really has ā€œGunner Hitmen AIā€ with smart attack/movement patterns - of those which are quite deadly if you failed to position yourselves well (we even have a Grenade-Throwing AI)!
  • More instructions to play on game description
  • Inspired by Escape From Tarkovā€™s ā€œScavā€ AI

Would you mind helping this lonely solo dev with some feedbacks before official BETA release? I would like to know if this game is: (1) Performant wise - pings, lags, loading time, etc? (2) Any bugs related to Gameplay, AI, Map, UX & UI? (3) Is this core loop fun enough for player retention - especially compared to popular zombie wave defense games like Zombie Uprising, Zombie Attack or All of Us Are Dead?

I can give you free x2 stamina (sprint) gamepass worth 150 robux and a custom nametag for your help, please inbox me your player.UserId. Thank you so much for your time :smiley:


  • Performance (pings, lags) needs to be improved
  • A lot of bugs (Gameplay, AI, Map, UX, UI) to be fixed
  • Core loop not fun, cannot compete with popular zombie wave defense games
  • Game is ready to be shipped & advertised, thank God!

0 voters


Are there anyone to help me ^^!


Ok so,

  • The health UI looks off
  • SpawnPoint part is not very good looking,
  • The Ui on the leaderboards (not the playerlist) looks very bland
  • I die before being teleported to main game
  • The hitmen runs into walls
  • Some houses are unfinished

Major issues with your game:

  • UI is just bad. Thereā€™s barely any UI and what you have is ugly and doesnā€™t match the game style.
  • There is no core loop whatsoever, there are no progression mechanics. Example core loop could be: play > gain resources > upgrade. In your game thereā€™s just: play.
  • The game is bugged - I waited 1 minute for the game to start and after it started I waited 2 minutes for the NPCs (itā€™s not an AI!!!) to spawn and they didnā€™t.
  • The game looks cheap. I donā€™t know if you used a lot of free models but the guns and the map look like they are free models, honestly. You tried to make the game somewhat creepy I suppose but creepy + cheap is just bad.
  • Not enough content, no shop, no stats, just some gameplay. It seems too empty.

Overall, the game doesnā€™t stand out and looks empty.
It would work 10 years ago but in order to compete with games currently available on Roblox you need to either make yours better or really unique.

This is my opinion, sounds harsh but itā€™s honest. Take your time with the game, gain the necessary skills and then youā€™ll be ready to make a hit!


Wow really harsh feedback :slight_smile:

(1) Core Loop: there is something wrong with Humanoid script, I found out in developer console and I just updated it, can you try again, the core loop is there. I test 1000 times, there are 20 waves of hitmen. There are progression, leveling unlocking new weapons and global leaderboards. Please try again.

(2) UI: I will improve it, can you name some good UI game so I can learn from them?

(3) Free models: Yeah Iā€™m not modeller but the script made by myself 100%. You see it is not easy to script a Shooter AI who knows PathFinding & Shooting really well

TLDR: Can you try again to see the core loop?


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Thanks, I just see you in server, I see there is some bugs with the hitmen not pathfinding and high ping, you feel the same?


Iā€™m looking for more feedback especially the Core Loop. Are there anyone who can spend a few 15-20 minutes to help me please ^^!

  1. I know something was bugged but thatā€™s not the main problem.
    The fact you have 20 waves doesnā€™t mean your core loop now is: survive wave 1 > survive wave 2 > survive wave 3 ā€¦
    The core loops still stays the same, well, lack of the core loop, unless I missed something.
    The only reward the player gets for defeating a hitman is XP which is pretty much useless (doesnā€™t unlock/give anything).

^ some good UI games

  1. I understand youā€™re not a modeler but as I said, it just makes the game look cheap.
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Thanks for you in depth feedback

  1. You mean like a badge system or something like skills mastery system that the player feel rewarded?

  2. Thank you so much, I will look into these games. Doors of course is on a different level, it is so immersive for a new game creator like me.

  3. ā€œCheapā€ is a harsh word, I will make new map by hiring builders & modellers but I do not think my game is cheap or not unique though. I donā€™t see any game has a Shooter AI, mobile-friendly plus some co-op gameplay with friends.

  1. Badges are just an addition, wonā€™t change much. Players need to progress, unlock new things to keep playing. You wonā€™t keep them just by giving some badges.

  2. Youā€™re welcome :slight_smile: Theyā€™re all awesome and detailed games, especially Starscape. Doors is just the most popular among them.

  3. Did I say your game is cheap?