Survive To the disasters changelog v1.4.0

Survive To the disasters changelog v1.4.0
Added Perm gears!
Perm gears used to spent points when you die you wont lose ur gears!
10,000 gravity coil
10,000 speed coil
30,000 game masters sword
300,000 Void coil
there will be more
New disasters nightmare disasters exclusive to Hardcore mode
Nightmare Volcano
Nightmare Tsunami
Nightmare Fire
there will be more nightmare disasters!
more info on dev forum

other changes
Fixed Halloween speed coil
increased normal survive 50 to 100
increased hardcore survive 100 to 200
Changed disaster pool to hardcore
upcoming next update exclusive for hardcore maps
More disasters more Perm gears coming soon
Play here Survive To The Disasters! Nightmare disasters - Roblox