Sushikó | Public Handbook

What is Sushikó?

Sushikó is a fast growing modern Japanese sushi and hibachi restaurant. We strive to provide the best service and experience for our community. Help grow our community by pressing the “Join Group” button located on your screen!

Alliance Guide

We expect you to meet the following guidelines/expectations if you wish to become an affiliate with Sushikó. Your application will be automatically declined if you do not meet any of the expectations listed. Whenever possible, Sushikó forms alliances with groups that exemplify activity, professionalism, organization, and communication. To do so, requirements are set for groups to meet.

  • Group must have an active Discord server.
  • We accept a well-organized, corporate group since Sushikó is a new organization. Members vary!
  • Group must be active, and consistently gaining new members.
  • Group MUST have a representative to join our group and Discord server!
  • Professionalism must always be maintained by the group.
  • Group must be able to announce key events and applications at Sushikó when asked.

Those who meet our requirements are asked to answer the following questions as best they can. In your application, we recommend creating a Google Document and including impeccable detail. If you would like to submit a completed application to the Communications Department, please do so. Your application and group will be reviewed within 48 hours, and you will be notified of the outcome within 48 hours. Any individual in Communications can answer your questions, comments, or concerns regarding alliances. Best wishes!

  • What is your group name? Please describe the group and provide group links.
  • Why do you want to be allied with Sushikó?
  • What are you benefitting when trying to affiliate with us?
  • What makes your group different from other groups in your industry?
  • Please provide us with 2-3 representatives that we may contact.
  • In the event that any occurrence threatens the relationship between Sushikó and your group, may we terminate/blacklist this alliance?
Rank Information


Customer - Our customers are Sushiko Supporters. They visit the restaurant on a regular basis and support us. We thank them for joining our group and hope they enjoy their time with the community!

Noted Customer - This type of customer are very important to the group and made an impact here at Sushiko. They can be a very active member in our community, a former High Rank or someone who has donated to the group.

Business Partner - The Business Partner rank is given to those who are representatives from other groups that are affiliated with Sushiko. Our Business Partners are very important to us and respected.

Trainee - Trainee’s are our first Low Rank at Sushiko, trainees are required to attend a training in order to receive the next rank Server. As a trainee you are allowed to help around the Restaurant while you wait for the next training to occur.

Low Ranks:

Server - Servers are our first official trained staff. They are responsible for making sure customers are served and they leave satisfied with their stay and meal. They require one training to receive the next rank.

Hibachi Chef - Hibachi Chefs are our second trained Low rank. As Hibachi Chefs you are expected to know most of the operations of the restaurant, this includes the map, recipes, and how to treat a customer. They require one training to receive the next rank or getting recognized by Staff Management .

Senior Hibachi Chef - Senior Hibachi Chefs are our third trained Low rank. They know everything the rank below them does and more. By now they should have almost mastered how to handle a trollers. They also know how to help somewhat with people lower ranks that don’t know how operations work in the restaurant. They require one training to receive the next rank or getting recognized by Staff Management .

Executive Chef - Executive Chefs are our final trained low rank. They are the most experienced in the kitchen. They know everything that has to do with being a low rank. They should be able to mentor other low ranks about the operations in the restaurant. They can’t go to training to get ranked up they now have the option to be recognized by Staff Management.

Middle Ranks:

Staff Intern - The Intern role given during the trial process before Hibachi Assistant. This rank is earned by passing Hibachi Assistant applications or getting recognized by an Staff Management . They must complete a trial in order to receive Hibachi Assistant.

Hibachi Assistant - Hibachi Assistant is the first official Middle Rank. They are now able to Supervise and handle trollers with the given moderator permissions at the restaurant. The requirements to rank up are private for this rank.

Kitchen Supervisor - Kitchen Supervisor is the second Middle rank. They have shown they have learned protocols and have the required enough knowledge about Sushiko to move on to the next rank. The requirements to rank up are private for this rank.

Assistant Manager - Assistant Managers are the third Middle Rank. They have shown great dedication to the rank and the Middle Rank team. They know everything that has to do with being a staff member here at Sushiko and can help you with no doubt. The requirements to rank up are private for this rank.

General Manager - General Manager is the last Middle rank. They have shown they know everything about being a Middle Rank. They can help newer Middle ranks with operations and how protocols work. They are so eligible for a promotion to the High Rank team. The requirements to rank up are private for this rank.

High Ranks:

Executive Assistant - Executive Assistant is the first High Rank. They are extremely dedicated to Sushiko and are either in the STAFFING DEPARTMENT or COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT. They are to go through a trial process. Once done with the trial they will be working on the department work that varies based on the department.

Chief Communications Officer - Chief Communications Officer is the Second High Rank for the department members in the Communications Department. They are very skilled at handling alliances, doing events, and maintaining activity in the group using Daily Interactions. They also are trusted with individual work provided by the department leads+.

Chief Staff Officer - Chief Staff Officer is the Second High Rank for the department members in the Staffing Department. They are very skilled at dealing with staff related issues. Also trusted with more work provided by the department leads+.

Executive Director - Executive Director is the last high rank. They have proven their loyalty and persevered through the ranks. This rank consist of the Lead and Co-Lead of both the Staffing Department and Communications Department. They are in charge of their department and the members of it. They will assign them stuff and work follow suggestions from the Leadership Team.

Leadership Team:

Vice President - Our Vice Presidents are in Charge of Overseeing Departments. The Vice President Usually Specializes in a Certain Department but can help in both, Where they manage the Lead and Co leads with and help them with the department, this includes mentoring them, overseeing them and disrupting consequences. Usually are the ones to approve stuff given by the Lead and Co lead. They oversee the whole of the game/discord.

President - Our Presidents are in charge of helping the Vice Presidents with approving stuff given and the rest, they also Usually Specialize in a department but can help in both. The President and the Vice President help each other take charge of the entire of the departments including the Lead and Co leads. They Oversee the whole of the game/discord.

Co Owner - Our Co Owners are in charge of completing substituting as the owner in certain circumstances that the owner is not available along with substituting for every other Leadership rank that’s not available. They oversee everything and help the rest of the Leadership Team with the departments.

Owner - Our Owner is in charge of everything and owns everything you see at Sushiko. She’s in charge of overseeing everything going on in her game and handling any disputes in the Leadership team. Handle any other disputes with any other rank alongside with her leadership team.

Holder - The Owners Holder account for the group. Protects the group.

Department Information

Staff Management:

The Staff Management Department manages staff punishments such as warnings, suspensions, demotions, and even terminations. They also get to be incorporated in promoting staff who are eligible for that promotion.

Communications Department:

The Communications Department handles and manages the affiliations of Sushikó as well as the events and communication-related tasks of the group. The Communications Department works with affiliates to create a strong, inter-community bond by hosting and participating in events, establishing new alliances, and polishing the reputation of the community!

Training Sessions

Training sessions are held by any individuals ranked Kitchen Supervisor+ for those ranked Awaiting Training, to be able to learn more information regarding staff conduct, practices and systems of the restaurant as well as examine their knowledge. Training sessions are normally hosted to examine if a Low Rank in question is prepared for the succeeding rank.

Weekday/Weekend Schedule (Monday - Sunday)

12:00 AM EST
8:00 AM EST
12:00 PM EST
2:00 PM EST
4:00 PM EST
6:00 PM EST
8:00 PM EST
10:00 PM EST

Thank you,

Much appreciation to you for perusing the handbook of Sushikó. Feel free to contact a member of the Leadership Department if you have any further questions, concerns, or suggestions.

Important Links:

Sushikó | Group Link

Sushikó Leadership Department