Suspension shaking over and OVER

Hello, I’ve been with this issue for over 3 months.

It’s still shaking a lot.

Red = Constraints parts;
green = wheels;
yellow = weight

Here is the code that I use to calculate stiffness/damping

for i,v in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.Models.Vehicles.VehiclesCivilians:GetChildren()) do
	local mass = 0
	for a,b in pairs(v:GetDescendants()) do
		if (b:IsA("BasePart")) then
			if (b.Massless == false) then
				mass += b:GetMass()
	mass = mass * workspace.Gravity;
	print(mass,mass * 0.04)
	for a,b in pairs(v:GetDescendants()) do
		if (b:IsA("SpringConstraint")) then
			b.Stiffness = mass
			b.Damping = mass * 0.04
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Video reproducing bug:

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Why use a script?
With my suspension vehicles I just go into Test mode and play with the SpringConstraint’s values until the vehicle rides the way I want it to, then set the values after I hit Stop in Test mode.

With suspension vehicles I usually set the wheels’ Density to 2, and the main body Part (your ‘weight’) I set the Density to whatever works best in Test mode.
Any other chassis parts I make Massless = true so they don’t affect the handling of the car.

I just saw your video. It looks like the wheels are rubbing against something in the car. Go to Studio>File>Studio Settings>Physics>Are Contact Points Shown and click the box to turn it on.
You’ll see red spheres show up when 2 Parts are colliding with each other.

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not really, because I am using physics service and disable the collissions for all parts of the car to all parts of car

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Here is the result :smile_cat:
What it can be?

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The steering input left and right?

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I don’t know what you mean, but yes.

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Are your wheels MeshParts?
MeshPart wheels aren’t typically round, so they bounce like that.
Try Welding an actual CanCollide Cylinder or Ball Part to your CanCollide off Mesh wheel.
Also, when I put my Hinges on my wheels I put the Attachments right at the center (0,0,0) of the Cylinder or Ball so that the hinge won’t ‘bend’ or wobble under a side load.

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That is exactly what I’m doing!

This ^

I will try this!

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With every possible attachment on the middle, here is the result, not better neither worse.

Do you want a repro file?

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So I found an error when the Wheels are Orientated to left or right, it works fine, so it’s clearly a collision issue!
But I don’t know what’s making this false collision on/off

Rotates wheels: Doesn’t flicker
Non rotated wheels: Flickers

@sleitnick could you help me here pls

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So, only thing that could help me, is turning the wheels shape to ball, hope this helps someone eventually.


Glad you figured out a work around, but were you following his tutorial?

It looks like you have too many cylindrical constraints on each wheel should be one for each, you have two:


maybe this is allowing the wheel to move in ways it shouldn’t

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