Swim Animation Plays on Ground When Character Faces Back After Going Out of Water

I’m not sure if a similar issue has been addressed yet, but here’s what I’ve observed:

After the character swims in water and moves out, if the character is facing backward, the swim animation continues to play on the ground. This causes an issue where the animation doesn’t properly stop when exiting the water.

Examples of the Issue:

  1. Default Swim Animation:

  2. Superhero Swim Animation:

  1. Rthro Swim Animation:

  1. With Drowning System:

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Ensure the character has a working swim animation (Specifically r15).
  2. Move the character into water and initiate the swim animation.
  3. Exit the water while the character is facing backward.
  4. Observe that the swim animation continues to play on land.

It seems like the animation state doesn’t transition properly when exiting the water in this specific scenario. If anyone has encountered the same issue or knows of a fix, I’d appreciate some help or insight!

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I would go about this problem by checking the Humanoid State, as it would continue playing the animation if the humanoid is currently swimming, HOWEVER I’m thinking there is probably a de-sync in that property and the humanoids “Floor Material” so you could check when it happens and manually correct it via script(if this is a custom script). If the de-sync scenario doesn’t exist then Idk what it could be…

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The floor material will be Air even on ground, and yes, this is the default animation script.

I could also use a raycast as an alternative for the floor material.
or this method here: Swimming animation glitch - #8 by samtheblender