Swinging Development

So right now i have a web swinging system that really isnt too good because it just doesnt look right at all or good for that matter, I just need some pointers on how to make it look like more of something like this.
Ive changed up my web swinging and have made alot of changes and im thinking of just not using a rope anymore

Would I have to completely get rid of the rope constraint im using?


RopeConstraints are unfortunately pretty glitchy. You might have better results trying to more directly simulate the forces that a rope should be applying, using something like a VectorForce or BodyVelocity, rather than actually using a RopeConstraint.


Thank you for actually replying and also what would I make the webs out of then? How would I use the VectorForce?

You can use a beam to give the look of the web.

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I would still use a RopeConstraint purely for visual effects, but manually place the attachments every frame to give the effect. If that doesn’t look good, you can take a look at RopeMaster’s source and see what method it uses. (I don’t personally know off the top of my head what the best method would be, maybe beams?)

For the VectorForce, I’m not an expert on vector math. BodyVelocities might be the better choice for this kind of thing, I’m really not sure. You can take a look at posts on vector math on the forum and see if they help you more than they helped me, I guess.


Alright thanks for the detailed reply Ill see what I can do